by manami 31 Mar 2010

I'm sorry I haven't been volunteering to make embroidery designs lately, I've been busy preparing myself for the trip, and making gifts for my family. Also, from tomorrow, there will be 2 designs per day for free download in my website, I hope you don't miss any. I won't be able to update the website while I'm away, but I'll be able to answer any email coming from it.

Well, I still have memories from my last trip when the plane got in fire, so I'm a bit afraid of planes now:( Maybe that is why I'm not too excited to travel this time... I'll be just glad arriving in Japan safely to see my sons and granddaughters.

Also, I'll be able to enjoy the cherry blossoms, I'll take pictures to share with you all :)

I'm going to miss you all, please don't forget me :)
Love and blessings,


by tmbache 31 Mar 2010

Yoriko, You will be missed but never forgotten.
Have a wonderful time with your sons and espically your granddaughters. May God be with you on your 3 week trip. HAVE FUN !!!! Hugs to you

by sewmom 31 Mar 2010

Have a wonderful and safe trip! We will miss you.

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Sewmom, thank you!

by gerryb 31 Mar 2010

Forget you? Never! Have a great time with family & come hope safely. I LOVE cherry blossoms! We lived in the DC area for 35 yrs. & enjoyed the trees Japan give to the US many yrs. ago. When the petals started to fall, it was like a gentle snow. My last trip into DC before we left was to go see the cherry trees!

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

I've seen the cherry blossoms on DC from Japan news and pictures, they look beautiful there too! Thank you Gerry!

by moyed 31 Mar 2010

Safe and happy travelling.

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manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Helen, thank you so much!

by nonna57 31 Mar 2010

Yoriko, enjoy your holiday. We will miss you though. Take care :)

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Dear Pauline, thank you so much!

by raels011 31 Mar 2010

Have a great time Hugs raels

by softhearted1 31 Mar 2010

Have a wonderful visit with your family :)

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Softhearted, thank yo so much!

by sandralochran 31 Mar 2010

Yoriko you will be missed Have a great time

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Sandra, thank yo so much!

by simplyrosie 31 Mar 2010

Have a blast Yoriko! Don't let fear rob you of the joy you're going to have with your kids. GOD is good, no matter what.

Have fun!!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Teri, thank yo so much!

by lindaavolio 31 Mar 2010

Give your granddaughters a big HUG from us!!!

Have a fun safe trip and ENJOY yourself.


1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Linda, thank yo so much!

by jofrog2000 31 Mar 2010

Have a safe trip and a wonderful time.

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manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Jo, thank yo so much!

by babsie 31 Mar 2010

Enjoy your trip, and the flight - be positive about it. We will wait to see your pic's and hear all about your holiday. Hugs

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manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Babsie, thank yo so much!

by crafter2243 Moderator 31 Mar 2010

How could we possibly forget you. Have a save travel and enjoy every minute of your trip.

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manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Angie, thank yo so much!

by kttyhwk4 31 Mar 2010

Yoriko, enjoy your time with your family. Prayers for a safe trip go with you.

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manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Kttyhwk, thank yo so much!

by iris2006 31 Mar 2010

How on earth can we forget you dear Yoriko, I hope you will have a save trip and enjoy your sons and grandchildren. Have a great time

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Carla, thank yo so much!

by turtleowl 31 Mar 2010

Enjoy your visit with your family. You will be missed here but time with family is precious and to be treasured. Prayers go with you for a safe and wonderful trip.

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Turtleowl, thank yo so much!

by jrob Moderator 31 Mar 2010

Sweet Yoriko....we could NEVER forget you! Just have a great time, hug and kiss your family and try to nap on the plane. "See" you when you get back.;)

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Jerrilyn, thank yo so much!

by dilceia 31 Mar 2010

Imagine... esquecer você, jamais!
Yorico, amanhã aqui, começa a SEMANA SANTA, a nossa Páscoa! E eu te desejo uma Feliz Páscoa junto aos seus queridos!
Vamos sentir sua falta. Eu, hoje, estou indo para o meu sítio com meus filhos e minha neta. Só retorno no Domingo de Páscoa!
Tenha uma boa viagem!

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Dilceia, muito obrigada!

by gerryvb 31 Mar 2010

thank you for announcing.We sure will miss you! But i hope you have a lovely time in Japan and and very good and safe trip. Enjoy the time with sons,granddaughters and other family.have a good time and a safe return (in 3weeks) to us, your other family. Big hug for you!!

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Gerry, thank yo so much!

by designgirl 31 Mar 2010

Yoriko, have a safe and wonderful trip there and back. We will miss you, but never never forget you. Hugs Lynn.

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manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Lynn, thank yo so much!

by lflanders 31 Mar 2010

We are going to miss you and none of us want to hear anything about any plane incidents this time. Hope your visit with family will be a joyful time for you and them. Just remember to bring back enough wonderful memories to last until you can visit again. Do take alot of pictures(family ones also) so you can share the beauty of Japan with all of us. Have fun, take care of business and then relax with your family. Hugs, Linda

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Dear Linda, thank yo so much!

by jacquipaul 31 Mar 2010

My dear Yoriko,
We will certainly miss you but could never forget you. Have a wonderful time and kiss your family for me. Give your son a big hug, also.
Things like what happened to you on the last flight are pretty rare, so I doubt you'll ever experience anything like that again. (My DH and son fly a lot, and have never had that happen. My son even pilots smaller aircraft.)
I spent my teen years living near Washington D.C. and loved to see the beautiful cherry blossom festival, as a result of a gift of the trees from Japan. It is like heaven to walk beneath the trees, when a gust of wind blows a shower of blossoms down.
It's the sensation of being a bride again.
My prayers for safety and fun are with you.

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Jacqueline, what a beautiful description you did! That is exactly what I feel when I walk beneath of cherry blossoms, feel very young! Thank you so much for your wishes! (great picture of Cherry Blossoms too!)

by 10tje 31 Mar 2010

Yoriko, Have fun!!* and a save flight!!

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manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

10, thank yo so much!

by judybell 31 Mar 2010

Yorkie, enjoy your trip and hug your family tight. Will pray you have a safe trip. God Bless, Judy

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Judy, thank yo so much!

by meganne 31 Mar 2010

As if we could ever forget you dear sweet Yoriko.

I hope this time your flights will be so uneventful that you will sleep all the way there and back.

I know once you get there you will have three wonderful weeks catching up with your beautiful family.
Please give your son a very special hug from me, you know why.

We will talk again before you leave.
Hugs and much love, Meganne

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Meg, thank yo so much!

by balmorysco 31 Mar 2010

Yoriko, You'll have a good trip believ it! Take some photos! Enjoy your trip and your family! We all will miss you! *4U!

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Leilany, thank yo so much!

by mad14kt 31 Mar 2010

Have traveling mercy to and from your trip. I call forth the angel of Michael for battle of PROTECTION in Jesus Name, Amen! Enjoy your family ;D *2U

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Monica, thank yo so much!

by dailylaundry 31 Mar 2010

Yoriko, you are the sweetest - we'd never forget you! Your flight will be fine - stay positive!! Please do take lots of pictures...we'd love to see pictures of your family and the cherry blossoms!!! Have a fun trip!! Hugs, Laura

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Laura, thank yo so much!

by mops Moderator 31 Mar 2010

We won't forget you!! I hope you have a marvelous time and an uneventful flight. Enjoy your stay, the cherry blossom and most of all the company of your sons and granddaughters.
We'll (hopefully) all be here to welcome you back.

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Martine, thank yo so much!

by sqdancer 31 Mar 2010

Never could we ever forget you dear Yoriko, do have a marvelous visit and enjoy your time with your family and friends. Know we will be missing you and looking forward to your safe and best always Hugs Glenda x0x0x0x

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Mar 2010

Dear Glenda, thank you so much!