by manami 01 Apr 2010

4 loads of truck full of towels, sheets, table cloth, pillow cases, placemats! Includes two industrial sewing machines and 1 industrial overlock! I'll have a lot to embroider when I get back from Japan! :D Now I need a industrial embroidery machine!!! :D


by kttyhwk4 02 Apr 2010

Wish my dh would run over my foot so he could kiss up like that....All joking aside that was a great find and I'm sure you'll be busy for quite a while, enjoy all your goodies.

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Kttyhwk, thank you so much! :D
You can see the truck that run on my foot in the picture :)

by mariahail 02 Apr 2010

You are so lucky!!!!!You are ready to start your own embroidery company!!!****

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Maria, thank you! Yes, just about :D

by katydid 01 Apr 2010

Oh sweetie, I think you have a keeper.!!!!What kind of auction did he happen on?

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Katy, thank you so much!
Thinking about that, there is a sad side, a factory bankrupt. The bank did the auction last wednesday, the ones I got it is only about 10% of they had there. Everything was sold in unbelievable prices. Just one bin with materials for $15, including the bin. See the size of the bin in the picture! The machines $50 each! Well I think he got too much...

by adelmarie 01 Apr 2010

Oh wow! You will surely be busy for a while. Make sure you keep some time to relax and enjoy yourself. *2U

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Adelmarie, thank you so much! :)

by sewmom 01 Apr 2010

Wow! I'm speechless. That's amazing.

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Sewmom, thank you so much!

by daisy530 01 Apr 2010

WOW!!! Looks like we're going to be missing you around here :)

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Yes, I haven't got much time to come here :(

by lbrow 01 Apr 2010

What a wonderful windfall for you Yoriko. Boy will you ever b busy when you get back *

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Lillian, thank you so much!

by clawton 01 Apr 2010

WOW, that should keep should keep you busy for awhile! Congratulations!!! What a great hubby

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Clawton, thank you so much!

by sherylac 01 Apr 2010

My goodness Yoriko!!!!now where are you going too start??? It would have been like a treasure chest., How exciting... You will be having so much fun with this lot. Have a lovely time in Japan..

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

It's hard to decide! I got a towel pac today and start embroidering them. I'll have to sort them out when I come back :)
I was going to buy some fabrics in Japan :)
Thank you Sheryl!

by cathiejones 01 Apr 2010

great !

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Cathie, thank you!

by haydebug 01 Apr 2010

WOW- You have a wonderful DH.

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Haydebug, thank you!

by marthie 01 Apr 2010

Good compensation for the foot story. Sell off some of the stuff and buy the industrial embroidery machine!!

daisy530 by daisy530 01 Apr 2010

LOL! ! I'd give my right foot for all that :)

manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Thank you Marthie, and Daisy!

by gerryb 01 Apr 2010

My word! When you said a truck load, you meant a BIG truck LOAD of things! Wow! Lucky you! I think you've won!!

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Gerry, thank you so much!

by lflanders 01 Apr 2010

You sure are lucky to have a hubby that will do things like that for you! Have fun with all of your goodies. What you don't embroider, you can try to sell outright. You will plenty to keep you busy for a while! I would be overwhelmed at that much but you are a very busy person. I know you will have a good time! Hugs and blessings for your trip.

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Linda, thank you so much!

by lucypiwow 01 Apr 2010


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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010


by celticlady1031 01 Apr 2010

How luck is that? I can store some for you.

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

:) Thank you!

by chenille 01 Apr 2010

Wow!! Lucky THAT'S one way to get a new machine! haha! Have a great trip.
Love & hugs, Nadyne

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Nadyne, thank you! :) I hope get one soon!

by jacquipaul 01 Apr 2010

Dear Yoriko,
It sounds like the perfect gift for you. What a nice surprise, before your trip. You can begin planning what to do and make. Guess you will be selling lots of goods. Perhaps his workshop will be made into a sewing area for you. Did you get napkins to go with the placemats? Hope you get your industrial embroidery machine too.
I wish you all of the luck and love possible on your wonderful trip to Japan. Kiss the little ones for me.

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Jacqueline, thank you so much! It's really a wonderful surprise, it is like being in Heaven! :)

by mary51 01 Apr 2010

Lucky you!!!! I wish I culd find a truck full of fabrics!!!!

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Mary, thank you!

by grandmamek 01 Apr 2010

wow! What a find!! you will have so much fun!!

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Mary, thank you!

by sqdancer 01 Apr 2010

You sure are going to need help my little friend to fold up all that stuff for storing, you will be a very busy bee when you return from Japan...have fun Yoriko...hugs x0x0x0x

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Glenda, it has been a big job. I will be doing that when I get back. Thank you my friend!

by dailylaundry 01 Apr 2010

Oh my goodness - what a find!!!! Yes, you may need an industrial embroidery machine - but, I think you will also need two or three employees to help you! I am soooooo happy for you! Enjoy your trip!! Hugs, Laura*

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Laura, thank you so much! maybe one head machine will not be enough huh :D

by suzettebritz 01 Apr 2010

So happy for you!! Is he forgiven for driving over your foot?! Enjoy your visit to Japan! Suzette

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Thank you Suzette! Yes, he is forgiven :)

by maryloo 01 Apr 2010

looks great but where you going to start

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Mary, it's hard even to think about. Today I got a pac of towels and started embroidering them. :)

by kathyjt 01 Apr 2010

Looks like you will have no free time. Enjoy.

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Kathy, thank you!

by sissibrode 01 Apr 2010

WAOW !!! I can't believe it !!! Your DH is so generous... but you desserve it Yoriko !!!

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Sissi, thank you!

by modo 01 Apr 2010

wow, you have work in front of you for months and months to come

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Yes, for the rest of my life!(crossing my fingers that the plane doesnt crash) :D Thank you!

by mad14kt 01 Apr 2010


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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

:D This is really FIESTA :)

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Apr 2010

Hi friend, are you going to have time to visit Japan?
It looks like you will have a load of sewing to complete so if we dont hear from you for ages we will know why. Enjoy Japan and seeing the cherry blossom and all the wonderful food. Happy sewing

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Caroline, thank you so much! I really miss the food there, my first stop will be at a Japanese restaurant and have a delicious washoku!

by balmorysco 01 Apr 2010

Super!!!! What machine is? Oh, it's my dream!

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Leilany, two industrial sewing machines, Juki and Singer, and overlock is Juki. I want an embroidery machine now :D

by grafiau 01 Apr 2010

Dear Yoriko,
When you decide which machine you are going to buy please let me know what made you choose, I am in the process of getting all the information about industrial machines myself, and at the moment I am having trouble deciding between a Happy machine and a Melco Bravo.
Enjoy your trip and dont eat to many Tokyo Bananas"(my favourite) Lol. Love Ruth

maryjo by maryjo 01 Apr 2010

Ruth..I too have been researching commercial machines (for over a year). I have seen them all and my dream machine is the Melco. I'm saving my pennies to purchase the AmayaXT. It is basically the same machine as the Bravo with a few extra perks. I know the melco is pricey but it's a great machine.

manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Ruth, thank you! I've heard Happy is the best machine, that hardly doesnt break, and seen one working. I really don't know, I would like to see AmayaXT working too. I hope you get the right one!

by gerryvb 01 Apr 2010

wow,that's what I call super !!! You know now there's a lot waiting for you when you come back!!

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Gerry, thank you!

by edithfarminer 01 Apr 2010

Absolutely super, what a buy. Enjoy. Hugs Edith

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Thank you Edith!

by meganne 01 Apr 2010

I guess you could always have a huge garage sale here on Cute for the stuff you don't want to keep. :-)))

What a very lucky girl you are, (and not before time either!) hugs and blessings, Meg

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Coming back, I'll have to get into craft fair...getting busy embroidering those already. Thank you Meg!

by manami 01 Apr 2010

Also,there are 1 big box full of overlock threads, several new rolls of fabrics, still sealed, many assorted stashes :)
Ok, I have a headache now, it is just too much!!! We just put the stuff in his workshop, his cars are out :)
These are going to keep me busy for the rest of my life!

by claudenicolas 01 Apr 2010

Dear Yoriko, it is hudge!!!!Will all your life be suffisant for all that??? Keep some time of quiet for you and your family. Take a good time in Japan.Hugs.

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

I've been sorting out some to take to Japan...and embroidering :)
What a big job! Thank you Claude!

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Apr 2010

Yoriko if you don't have enough room for it all, send some my way. :) I guess you are going to be busy for a long time.

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Angie, I'd love to send some to you! Yes, started my day very busy! Oh my...

by nonna57 01 Apr 2010

Yoriko just dont overdo it and wear yourself out before you go away. I got your PM will answer before you leave. Have a great BUSY Easter W/end :)

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Pauline, thank you! I've been really busy with these! Hope you are okay, feel something wrong... Take care, Yoriko

getEdited - SELECT
by alex71 01 Apr 2010

WOW What a great find..You sure will be busy with your embroidery machine..Just think what you can do with all the items you have.Lucky you Have a safe trip to Japan,i would love to take my son there one day as he has been studying the Japanese language for a couple of years now and loves everthing Japanese Take care *4u

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manami by manami 02 Apr 2010

Alex, thank you! I'm certified teacher for Japanese language for foreigners, and I wrote 3 educational books for that. I really miss teaching :) Anyway, too busy now with these materials :D

by manami 01 Apr 2010

the pictures!

nonna57 by nonna57 01 Apr 2010

Oh you are soooo a lucky girl.

crafter2243 by crafter2243 01 Apr 2010


mops by mops 01 Apr 2010

Oh dear, where do you store it all!!! Almost too blessed you are!