by undecided 03 Apr 2010

the top thread has an unsightly loop sa every inch of embroidering. it has a sound too then, almost as if the bobbing is lifting? then it is fine again for an inch or so....

tried fiddling with the top tension, also put a net on the thread, checked threading etc.

should i adjust bottom tension?
thing is that it looks great inbetween these.....
thank you all so much for all of your advice while I am learning.


by undecided 03 Apr 2010

i JUST went out and bought some new needles, even though i have 100 on order. so now i just have to decide what goes on next to see if this fixes it :)

although i did change back to serger thread *gasp* as that is what i started with while waiting for my Metro threads...and that worked PERfect!!! so i am thinking i just wasted a LOT of $ being frugal on the thread :(

hopefully the needle will make it better.

by dlmds 03 Apr 2010

Undecided, I would check the bobbin area first. Make sure it is clean and no threads caught in that area. Is your bobbin in correctly? If that is all right I would change my needle. Sometimes even new needles are bad. I would do these things before I changed the tension. Can you call your dealer and ask for their advise? Hope this helps H&*