When my screw lost most of its thread (after only a couple of years) I, too, went to the hardware store for a cheap and effective replacement - in fact it has done its job for almost 15 years now.
When my screw broke I went to the hardware store he hooked me up with a screw and wing nut and it works like a charm for less that $2 hahaha
I will guess that a local Brother dealership will probably be your best chance to get them. Good luck finding them. *2U
Hi, I was not able to get them for my Bernina dealership for my Bernina so I took one to a local Brother dealership and a Brother hoop screw fit my Bernina. For the second time a Brother dealership has helped me with a Bernina problem. I also got some on Ebay. I never was able to find them at any online dealerships and they are such a special design that hardware stores can't help at all. Good luck finding them.I am trying very hard to not put all the pressure on the nut and screw when I tighten the hoop. And Happy Easter too, Carol
TU Carol! I don't need one yet but I want one to be on hand just in case...LOL ;D *2U