by lv2sew 21 Apr 2010

If you are a member of her yahoo group then you will be able to get the clues to where each letter is hidden once she puts them up..."A" is up now...and one new letter a week..It is beautiful and is fsl...


by sewmom 21 Apr 2010

You haven't seen it posted here because the site owner does not want ANY of her links or info shared here. She got very mad at us a while back because people were sharing hunt info.
Sorry for the bad news and happy hunting.

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 21 Apr 2010

thanks...didn't know that...I think that is why alot of times I don't post much on the hunts..I will make sure I don't post anymore info pertaining to any sites just to be on the safe side of
thanks for your concern...