by lflanders 08 May 2010

Mom's a very Happy Mother's Day for tomorrow. I have no idea if I will be home tomorrow so do not want to miss the chance. I have already had my first encounter with my son this morning and nothing has changed! Tomorrow is going to be a very long day! It has been 13 months and he is still lashing out at everyone. I am totally lost as to what/when to say or do anything. I am hurting because he is hurting/angry or whatever. He refuses to talk about any of it. I keep praying and thinking that one day he will speak with out raising his voice again. Anyway, I hope your day will be a wonderful day and bring much happiness to the whole family.

I do want to give a very extra special wish of happiness to Deanna. You are the greatest Mom because you fill in for the absent Mom's of all of your foster children. I know how hard it is just being a Mom to the ones that you give birth to and then YOU go that extra mile! Sunshine and roses to all! Linda


by babsie 08 May 2010

Nope, could not vote either. Happy Mothers Day for you too. I will pray for healing of your sons feelings so that everything will be back to normal for you. Hugs.

by peardrop 08 May 2010

I tried several times and couldn't vote either. :(

by iris2006 08 May 2010

I couldn't vote too and I think I had the same errormessage as you Linda, What a pitty