by manami 15 May 2010

I'm facing strong headaches again, like last year, I hope nothing is wrong this time. Also, a strong pain in my right wrist, I think I got carpal tunnel syndrome. At least pain killers fix both problem for a while. I wonder what's next...

But I went to the projects and as usual, you are all doing beautiful work. I took care of your garden's flowers :)

Many God's blessings to all.


by dlonnahawkins 16 May 2010

Yoriko, we are so sorry you have been feeling poorly. I had the surgery on both my wrists - several years apart, but it does help. The surgery for these has improved so much that the second surgery was nothing like the first. You take the time that you need to help yourself, and we will always be here. You must take care of what is important. Hugs

by manami 16 May 2010

Dear Cuties, thank you so much for your caring.
I have aneusysms, and eventually I'll need a brain surgery. It seems I'll need a Carpal Tunnel surgery as well. It has been a long while I'm dealing with these pains, I don't use mouse anymore for almost a year now, but lots of keyboard short cuts and a pen tablet helps me to do what I love to do: digitize. Oh, I also wear a support, minimizes the moviment of my wrist.
Anyway, I feel better for a while with the pain killers, I can't have any surgery right now, I really need to work...
I deeply appreciate your prayers, and God knows I need them.
God bless you all. I can't think what my life would be without your support and caring.
Love you all,

1 comment
nini by nini 16 May 2010

Querida Yoriko, lamento que estejas a enfrentar tantos problemas (e tão sérios). Que Deus te abençoe e consigas resolvê-los o mais depressa possível. Um abraço.

by ksgram1 15 May 2010

Dear Yoriko, I pray that you will soon be feeling much better. Hugs*** Marjorie

by dgarner 15 May 2010

I can empathize with you about the headaches -- I used to have terrible migraines.
Check with your doctor about what kind of headaches you are having -- there are medications out there that will stop a migraine headache immediately, and without making you drowsy.

by shirlener88 15 May 2010

Yoriko, I am so sorry to hear that you are not well - especially the carpal tunnel - I have that in both my wrist - try getting a brace - which can help alot for now. Good luck with the headaches - I do hope that your pain killers will fix your troubles - but don't just relie on them - get some help to get rid of the aches or whatever is causging it. Love to you.

by iris2006 15 May 2010

Sorry to hear about your troublles Yoriko, just take care and some good rest and listen to you body.

by gerryvb 15 May 2010

dear Yoriko, sorry you aren't feeling well
I hope you will get better soon! headache is awful.and don't overdo with that wrist!
take care, lots of hugs for you!

by daisy530 15 May 2010

Take care of yourself Yoriko! I have just been looking at projects too, and you have been working on some adorable things :)

by babsie 15 May 2010

So sorry to hear that you're not well, hope the headaches will lift. The hands are another story because an operation is all that will help. I had both hands done and it helped. Will pray for you. God bless. Hugs.

by marietta 15 May 2010

Hello Yoriko, I hope you get some help with the headaches soon, I remember last time when you had the same. Let them check that wrist too. I had both hands done (carpal tunnel) and can now say, except for falling again, that I never had problems after that.
Will keep you in my prayers, hope you feel better soon.
Hugs and God bless

by holly12 15 May 2010

I hope this is nothing serious. Please take care of yourself and get some rest. Arlene

by 02kar Moderator 15 May 2010

God's blessings on you Yoriko. Please take care of yourself. We promise to be here when you need us. We are praying for your speedy recovery.

by castelyn 15 May 2010

Yoriko, Hope you are taking care of yourself. Try some rest as well. Hugs and love Yvonne

by dilceia 15 May 2010

Oh! Minha querida, eu sei o Que é isso ... "Síndrome do túnel do carpo". Com isso eu resolvi uma cirurgia. Hoje Estou Muito bem. Que DEUS proteja um ricamente. Cuide-se. Saúde em primeiro lugar.
Vou Cuidar do Seu Jardim Na Sua Ausência.
Um abraço grande.

by jrob Moderator 15 May 2010

Yoriko, I'm sorry that you aren't well. I will pray for your recovery and in the meantime, you take care of yourself.;)

by msfancyvip 15 May 2010

You have my empathy. It sounds like you need a break from the's definately rough on some peoples wrists. Having dealt with that pain in the past, I've learned that simply refraining from tasks that aggravate it helps tremendously. All of the time and efforts you put into your beautiful FSL designs I'm sure are taking its toll. Please take care of yourself first and foremost...we'll all still be here waiting with baited breathe for your wonderful work, I;m sure....but you must come FIRST. ~Rita

by asterixsew Moderator 15 May 2010

Sorry to hear about your health. I presumed you were snowed under with your embroidery trying to get the truck load sewn and sold.

by jacquipaul 15 May 2010

Dear Yoriko,

I'm so sad because of your health problems and will pray that your health improves. Expected that you were so busy embroidering and organizing your new 'stash' of products that your DH purchased for you. Hope that the carpal tunnel syndrome isn't interferring with your embroidery.
My best wishes to you for improved health and a happy life.

by kathyjt 15 May 2010

Hope you start feeling better, and nothing is bad wrong. I will pray for you.

by sqdancer 15 May 2010

I was just thinking yesterday that I had not seen you around Yoriko, so sorry you are having health problems...Do take care of yourself, will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...hugs Glenda x0x0x0x

by judybell 15 May 2010

Yoriko, I'm sorry you are having more health problems. The surgery for the carpal tunnel worked great for me. I had both hands done years ago, so hopefully they can fix yours. I will lift you up in prayer and pray you can get some relief from your headaches and wrist pain. God bless, Judy ****4U

by sissibrode 15 May 2010

I'm sorry for you Yoriko, hope you will go better soon !!!*

by blhamblen 15 May 2010

I am keeping YOU in my Thoughts and Prayers..HUGGGGgggs

1 comment
sissibrode by sissibrode 15 May 2010

Hey my Barb my sis !!! how are you ???

by michele921 15 May 2010

I have had the same thing with headache's somone told me it oculd be allergy's which I have never had but they say you can develop them. I just know over the past few yrs I keep getting headaches the same time each yr.
I do hope you feel better.

by lenamae 15 May 2010

Yoriko I am sorry you are in pain .I will pray for you desr friend love and hugs Lena Mae

by edithfarminer 15 May 2010

Sorry Yoriko you are feeling so unwell. You have been working very hard and maybe caused some of your problems. Try to take a day off to relax. Easier said than done I know lol. Hope you will soon feel lots better. Take care Hugs Edith