by annatjievdw 18 May 2010

threatening. This little baby boy is the only child that can take our family into a next generation. Very small family. All of us is so worried about him.

Thanks in advance for all the prayers. Love u all a lot. Annatjie


by clawton 19 May 2010

My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Thanks a lot.

by dgarner 19 May 2010

We will continue to lift your little one up in prayer along with your family. It is so horrible for a baby to be sick -- may God bless and heal your family's little one.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Diane thanks you.

by pennifold 19 May 2010

Heavenly father you know our every need and you knew us before we were born. Please watch over this child and ensure that he will have a long and healthy life. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus Amen!

Sending prayers your way Annatjie for you and your whole family. Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Chris cant thank u enough.

by 02kar Moderator 19 May 2010

My prayers for you, your family and your nephew.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Thanks for your prayers.

by shazells 19 May 2010

Our Prayers are sent with Gods Speed From all of us in Cuties world and Beyond we will all be Praying Hugs Shazells

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Shazells thanks a lot.

by judybell 19 May 2010

Anna, I will pray for your family and their baby. It is so hard to think of a little one being ill. God bless, Judy

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Judy thank you for your prayers.

by designgirl 19 May 2010

Praying everything will be okay.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Thank you.

by crafter2243 Moderator 19 May 2010

Annatjie I will pray for this little one. It is so hard to watch them in hopital beds when they are so little. Prayers for the whole family.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Thanks for keeping him in your prayers.

by shirlener88 19 May 2010

Of coarse Anna, I will pray for him and the family.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Shirlene dear thanks for your prayers. I keep on praying for you and Rick as well.

by eleen 19 May 2010

Baie sterkte vir julle familie - ek dink aan julle. Verstaan ook diefamilie oordra. Ons familienaam sterf met hierdie geslag uit.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Eleen baie dankie vir jou gebede. Ja dit is erg dat ons familiename so uitsterf nĂȘ.

by read180 18 May 2010

oh my dear annatjie, your little boy is in my prayers, along with your whole family. Take care my arms are reaching out to you from MN hugs.
Cindy B.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Cindy thanks for keeping him in your prayers.

by giddygoat 18 May 2010

Same birthday as me. I will pray that his problems will be overcome & that he has a long & happy life ahead of him.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Thanks a lot.

by lenamae 18 May 2010

I will pray for him God is good just trust in him
Lena mae

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Lena mae, thanks dear and trust is all we can do, is it not.

by gspires 18 May 2010

I will pray and and ask my church tomorrow night to pray as well. God bless.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Thanks to your church as well as you. Please ask them to keep on praying.

by jacquipaul 18 May 2010

I will certainly add him to my prayers and will pray for the entire family. God will care for this little one.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Thanks for your prayers.

by mary51 18 May 2010

I will add him in my prayers, God bless all your family

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Mary, thanks a lot.

by nhsmith55 18 May 2010


1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010


by jrob Moderator 18 May 2010

I will pray for this precious child and his/your family.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

Just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.