Karole, if it brought you to us - that is a good thing - you will get much more than a screen saver from this site - lots of friends and other's to ask questions and receive lots of love and friendship from around the embroidery world. WELCOME to the CUTE family!
We hope that you decide to stay with us. The designs are great, the company just as good.
I have a Bernina, too. It's nice to find an embroidery sister.
If you go to Berninausa.com enter "screen saver" on their search bar, you will get a window that pops up. You have to be a member of bernina, or just go ahead and sign in if you already are. Once you sign in or register as a new member, you have access to different freebies. There are free designs, Projects, stitch recipes, and they have 5 free screen savers.
Once you have signed in, look on the left side, and you will see "Free Downloads".
That is where you will download them. I hope this helps.
Welcom too cute,
have a nice time here, beware you gading adictive!!
Sorry I can't help you some one else may but while you are here now Welcome and hope you decide to stay with us. This is a great site.And if you go to designs by cuties to the far right of the page you will find many many free designs by Cuties. As well as the beautiful free designs that are given daily.