I have contacted the site questioning them and their license to sell them.
Got back an answer and it was simply, "Yes you can use the designs for your personal use" and nothing else..... Oh dear But after looking at the designs I can say that it is definately NOT of licensed quality, too many jump threads left hanging and very yucky digitizing so a third party's work at digitizing and a pretty poor job of it.
Whoa. These are all copywrited designs that I do not for one minute believe are legal. If -either here or on ebay or the like-you see so many designs for such a low price, they are not on lisenced software from the companies that own the designs.
Companies are starting to go after those that do this, and the unknowing persons who do not know. Example-40 some SpongeBob designs for 5 something, when I was just looking at the legal card for $149. If it's "too good to be true", think again.
vielen Dank, die Seite ist super hoffentlich ist alles korrekt
This person is selling licensed designs on his/her site. I suggest, before you buy any, ask to see proof of purchase of the license.