Shirlene makes a good point about the service fees per transaction. You could charge for the service fee you incur, though, and add it onto the price for those who pay with credit cards. Know, also, that sometimes there is a different amount charged for different credit cards -- American Express is usually higher than, say, Visa. Also, be very careful to read the "fine print" before you sign on with any provider. It really may not be worth your while. And, with the manual machines, you don't know for sure if the charge will actually be honored. The card may have been cancelled, etc., and you won't know it until it "bounces".
Karen, what you are looking for is a merchant account for accepting credit cards - you can do a search online - to find the best deals - you will need to shop around - you will be paying a processing fee for each transaction that you have that will go through this and you will need to know - if it is worth your time to do that and still make money from your sale. Alot of times - when people go to craft fairs they know that there will be booths that don't have this ability to use their credit card, so they will either have cash or a check - if you don't accept the check - that will be their reason to not make the purchase - with a check - you have to also have a sign that says that you will have a service charge for any returned check - so that you don't get into trouble with someone bouncing a check for the merchandise, too. Good luck and please let us know what you worked out for this - so that it might help others when they do crat fairs. ENJOY!
Perhaps you could talk to your bank. They might be able to help you or point you in the right direction.
I dont really know...perhaps contact Visa or Mastercards websites.... I have seen the table top versions where you just have the form and place the card over it slide the bar accross where it makes an imprint of their card for the purchase. Perhaps you can go to some local buisness store and ask how they got set up...Then contact their company who did it for you and ask them to get you started....GOOD LUCK....deanna
If you take your computer and pay for hook up, customers can pay via PayPal.
Otherwise you have to sign up with a service and pay a monthly fee to accept cards. Plus you have to pay a percentage of the sale. I have not really found anything acceptable since I do not do shows every month. Anyone else with better ideas?? Thanks
to do PayPal - they have to have an account with PayPal, which they can do online - with an email address and a credit card that has been variefied through PayPal.