CuteAlphabets is a separate site that offers free designs daily and the rest are for sale. I do not believe they have a membership available. It is operated by the same person as this one (sister site). You can get the alphabets on this site as well as any of the other designs you see here.
when I tried to download a design-I would like the entire set of embossed tulip alpha. it has a free download for members-click it and it tells you have to pay $29.95 for 6 monthsmembership-which I would be willing to do if I knew for certain that I will get the free downloads and it isn't a duplicate of what I have already paid for this site.
I assumed the same thing when I joined. Still haven't figured it out. Would like to know the answer to your question also :-)
LOL-guess nobody wants to fill in-I am itching to get into those alphabets tho-this site is extremely habit forming-I should be getting other peoples sewing done and out instead of spending so much time on the darned computer....oh well