by april22 21 Jun 2010

infectet, I hope soon at home again,

Hugs April


by jacquipaul 26 Jun 2010

Dear April,
I will pray for you and for the physicians who are attending to your needs. I will pray for your health and swift recovery.

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you very much *

by jrob Moderator 22 Jun 2010

April, I add my prayers to those of my sisters. May you hear from the doctors that there is no infection and that the operation was a great success.

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you sister *

by crazystitcher 22 Jun 2010

Prayers and thoughts are with you April; have no idea what COPD stands for but sounds serious; hope all goes well and you are back home soon.

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you very much ( COPD Longs)

by haydebug 22 Jun 2010

Praying and Hoping that everything is okay!

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you haydebug *

by 02kar Moderator 21 Jun 2010

You are just supported wih prayers and I am adding mine. Hope all goes well. Please keep us informed.

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you so much *

by asterixsew Moderator 21 Jun 2010

Good luck, thinking positive thoughts for you

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you very much, I do *

by nhsmith55 21 Jun 2010

Praying for healing and peace for you.

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you so much *

by suzettebritz 21 Jun 2010

Will be thinking of you April - hope all goes well and to see you back soon!

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you suzette

by holly12 21 Jun 2010

Good luck will say aprayer for you. Arlene

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you Arlene *

by designgirl 21 Jun 2010

Saying a pray for you. Hugs Lynn

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you very much Lynn *

by gerryvb 21 Jun 2010

prayers are cominmg your way. we will be thinking of you, hugs G.

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you very much Gerry,*(nog gefeliciteerd ) heb wel even naar je gezwaaid,was in het UMCG.

by kathyjt 21 Jun 2010

Will say a prayer for you.

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you Kathy *

by judybell 21 Jun 2010

April, will be lifting you up in prayer. God bless, Judy

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

You be lifting me all Thanks Judy*

by shirlener88 21 Jun 2010

April - we will be praying for you dear.

1 comment
april22 by april22 29 Jun 2010

Thank you so much shirlener*
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