by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

stopped quilting and donated all her stash the lady at the thrift shop sold it all to my boss for one not much money we filled up the back of her pt cruiser. I got to go through all of it and pick out what I wanted I got 3 bags of pre cut quilt blocks with I know over a hundred blocks in them One was baby green, one was baby dots of all colors and one was baby yellow plad I will have fun making baby quilts . I feel so blessed with all my wonderful friends and a wonderful friend like my boss. most of the fabric was ventige some of the most beautiful fabric I ever saw I got a lot to make doll clother and alot of solids to set quilts to gether. any way we made her money back at the quilt show those wemon just went wilf over the beautiful colers.

Lena Mae


by clawton 29 Jun 2010

What a wonderful opportunity. Have fun with all of the fabric.

by shirlener88 29 Jun 2010

Lena Mae, so happy to hear you had a great show and that you also got such a great bargain. That is super and we all look forward to viewing the new things that you plan in making soon.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Jun 2010

thanks shirlene

by iris2006 29 Jun 2010

Welcome back and congrats with your quiltmaterial.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

Iris thank you it was wonderful

by honeychyle 29 Jun 2010

I'm happy for you but I'm envious too! If I could ever get away from my embroidery machine I might go back to quilting. I must have 100 quilt tops ready to quilt but put away for a rainy day! LOL

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

thanks honey

by meganne 29 Jun 2010

Oh I am so happy for you Lena Mae, it's about time something nice came your way.
Enjoy your new found bounty, you deserve it.
Hugs n love, Meganne

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

Oh maganne i counted one bundle of blocks and there is over two hundred and tha blocks that match I can make a lot of baby quilts from that I will donate some of them to the home for new moms that has no place to go.
Lena Mae

by noah 29 Jun 2010

Oh boy are you blessed by God or what !!!We all could use this blessing Hugs Carolyn

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

yes Carolyn and I will share that blessing with the wyward moms and abused moms I will find a home some where I know there it a home some place and I bet there is a cute that can send me a address for one.I think it is in alabama for got where.Lenamae

by april22 29 Jun 2010

Oh what a lucky girl you are Lena Mae***

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

April thank you to recive that many 8 inch blocks already washed and gut is a blessing I have been praying for so I cam make baby quilts for moms that need them.I already have a lady lined up that will quilt them so that is no problem and I can quilt by the block.
Lena mae

by rwalden 29 Jun 2010

Welcome home. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Be sure to show us pictures of projects you make with your fabric.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

I will sure do that as soon as I can get started I have a job I have to finish before I can start.
Lena Mae

by 02kar Moderator 29 Jun 2010

A great quilt show and a super find. What a great week. Have fun with all that new stash.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

Oh I promase I will can hardly wait to get started on then I have some baby quilts I have hand embroidered to get quilted I have to do some thing got gods work now.

by shilly 29 Jun 2010

Glad u had such an enjoyable trip; would like to see anything u made with it.Welcome home.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

I will post when I do something .

by gramsbear 29 Jun 2010

Welcome back!!! Have loads of fun with your new quilting material!!!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

gramsbear you know I will thank you.

by katydid 29 Jun 2010

Sounds like a great trip. I love to find a bargain. One persons trash is another's treasure!!! What a find. Kay

lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

Kay this lady got to where she could not sew any more and just nonated the fabric to the thrift shop and by boss and I just happened to stop there we picked out a lot od beautiful peaces we wanted and I started to say to Lynne ask whare will take for all of t when She said what yill you take for all of it and she told her and she told her sold and paid for it then she let me pick out what I wanted . i thought I had died and gone to heaven.
Lena mae

katydid by katydid 29 Jun 2010

I am excited just thinking about it!

by castelyn 29 Jun 2010

Lenamae, welcome back home. Glad you had a great trip. Can't wait to see your fabric that you got. *4u

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Jun 2010

I will take a picture and post it the quilt blocks are a blessing.all I will have to do is buy something to strip it to gether with. will make beautiful baby quilts I will embroidery on the solids and incorpratew them with the ptinted as they do match.Lenamae