by evajungermann 30 Jun 2010

Dear Cuties,

I figured out what the two biggest problems are we machine quilters have to deal with.
Yes, reading right, I call myself a quilter, thanks to my new Paff. Loving it!


by honeychyle 30 Jul 2010

Beautiful kitties! Oh yes, the quilt is very pretty too! LOL

by sewalaskan 30 Jul 2010

I thought they were cute pattern weights!

by leenova54 30 Jul 2010

Beautiful quilting, beautiful cats. Cat person here too, have 2 but looks like one is getting to the end.

by keeponsewing 30 Jul 2010

Cute cats. I believe the female just blended in with the quilt. hehehe. The male cat has beautiful markings

by bevgrift 30 Jul 2010

The cats have chosen a beautiful place to be.Your quilt is lovely.
Happy quilting!
From Bev

by lbrow 30 Jul 2010

Evu I love your pictures, I too am a cat person but unable to have them anymore because of my daughter's allergies *

by babsie 30 Jun 2010

Well, they appreciate your work and is just putting their seal of approval on it! Lovely cats and quilt.

by tippi 30 Jun 2010

What kind of Paff do you have?. I have a very old creative 1467. Used to have one to embroidery with till I traded it in for the Babylock. Mildred

1 comment
evajungermann by evajungermann 01 Jul 2010

I was generous to myself ;-)
It is a new creative 4.0 I traded for my Singer Futura.
That was an awful machine, best to say about it was the Hyperfont Software to create lettering.

by shirlener88 30 Jun 2010


by iris2006 30 Jun 2010

Nice pictures Eva and do you have the Pfaf creative Vision??? I do and I love it.

1 comment
evajungermann by evajungermann 01 Jul 2010

Mine is creative 4.0 and I bought it just for embroidering... then I figured out what a georgeous sewing machine, no, computerized sewing automat it is.
I have an old Pfaff tipmatic sewing machine too, which I loved very much, so I decided for this brand.
What I like best at this moment: the immediate trimming (question of correct button to press ;-))
My quilt won't become a masterpiece (that's definitely not a fault of the machine- it is so hard to control all the bulk and get straight and even sewing lines) but the first time I have fun with it.
I think I will finish it this week.
My cats will hopefully read this.

by ansalu 30 Jun 2010

Liebe Eva,
eben war ich etwas irritiert: Du nähst auf einer Paff? (Hatte sofort "Puff the magic dragon" im Ohr ;o). Ich suche noch eine robuste Einfachmaschine für Geradeaus und Zick-Zack.
Süße Stubentiger hast Du; meine Katze liebte es immer, wenn ich gestrickt habe. Sie saß dann daneben und hat immer auf die Nadelenden gehauen und versucht, sie abzubeissen (> Vampirkatze?).
Liebe Grüße

evajungermann by evajungermann 01 Jul 2010

Boa, was ein Glück dass die Bilder dabei sind und da pFaff draufsteht ;-)
mit dem Laptop auf dem Schoß schleichen sich in letzter Zeit ganz viele Tippfehler ein.. diesen hatte ich bis eben nicht bemerkt.
Irgendwie klingt es so, als wäre Deine Katze nicht mehr am Leben?
Falls ja, bitte NICHT erzählen, sowas macht mich immer ganz fertig.
Was hast Du gerade für ein Projekt?

ansalu by ansalu 04 Jul 2010

Hallo Eva,
z.Z. nur meine Knuddies bei DaWanda (Anna&Felix), nur leider bockt meine Janome immer mehr. Die muß dringend in die Werkstatt, aber zu der meines Händlers habe ich kein Vertrauen, außerdem ich habe ja noch Garantie drauf und mir wäre es lieber, die würden sie an Janome einschicken statt mir min. 55,-€ für eine Wartung abzuknöpfen :o(
Mal sehen, wie ich das regle...
Liebe Grüße
PS: Ja, meine Stubentiger sind alle inzwischen im Katzenhimmel. Die letzte verstarb vor 4 Jahren und ich habe so gelitten, daß ich mir erstmal keine mehr wollte. Inzwischen habe ich (nach über 30 Jahren mit Katzen!) eine Katzenallergie; was ein Sch... :o(

by 02kar Moderator 30 Jun 2010

Ohhh. Reminds me of my cat, Slippers When Dad sent a new rug home from the Middle East while he was deployed, Slippers would run downstairs and be laying on it before I could get it completely unpacked. Slippers would be looking at me, telling me the rug belonged to him.

1 comment
evajungermann by evajungermann 01 Jul 2010

Yes, rugs...I knew about them.
Some pieces of wooly material in my appartment had been rugs a long time ago, and I have to keep them as long as I want to have some wallpapers.
Obviously they are great to keep claws sharp tools.
So I am lucky that quilts are just considered sleeping nests ;-)

by pennifold 30 Jun 2010

Love your cats Eva - they are just gorgeous. Cat's and dogs love to lie on quilts.

My dog has one she always lies on too!

Love and blessings Chris

evajungermann by evajungermann 30 Jun 2010

And they have their own website!

pennifold by pennifold 30 Jun 2010

I love it! Love Chris

by evajungermann 30 Jun 2010

and by the way: don't believe your manual when it says "for immediate trimming press the backwards button".
It will sew backwards, speedy way across the entire quilt.
Just a note.
Happy greetings

by evajungermann 30 Jun 2010

it is HER

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tippi by tippi 30 Jun 2010

This one too

by evajungermann 30 Jun 2010

and it's HIM

1 comment
tippi by tippi 30 Jun 2010

Love your Kitty pictures.