Modo, have a look at the freebies at AdorableApplique, they ar cute but need a larger than 4x4 hoop. Don't know if you have got that.
Several applique shapes in a number of sizes were posted in Designs by Cuties by various Cuties and are still there. Sissibrode was one of the Cuties if I remember rightly and Jerrilyn did a nice one in the shape of a Christmas ball, to name a few. I put up three and sent a couple of shapes in several sizes to whoever wanted them (to you too).
So my question is:
do you have any specific size or shape in mind? Or is it a special outline you want. A zigzag outline would not be a good idea for an applique - just fancy cutting that out. That would be nice as a frame - and I think there are some of those in DbC as well.
There is a round applique frame given by piebaldbully and I was tinking that a square and a oval one would be fun.