by lenamae 01 Jul 2010

Praise report MY sister Carlene had her Blader surgery Friday and her test came back NO CANCER ..Thank all of you for your prayers God is so good.



by haydebug 02 Jul 2010

Wonderful to hear!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

thank you .

by dgarner 01 Jul 2010

Wonderful news! Our God IS an AWESOME GOD!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

Diane thank you I want to thank every one that prayed for her.Yes our God is awesome
Hugs Lenamae

by kalinelson 01 Jul 2010

Rejoicing with you....My husband had a cancerous mass in his kidney and when they took the kidney out they got it all, no need for chemo.....yes God is so very good.

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lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

God is great and takes care of us if we believe in him. Thank you

by sewingnonni 01 Jul 2010

That is wonderful news!! God is good, all the time!!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

sewing nanna yes God is good thanks for your prayers,'lenamae

by katydid 01 Jul 2010

Happy for your family. Keep up posted. Kay

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

Katy thank you for your prayers we are so happy.
love hugs Lenamae

by jrob Moderator 01 Jul 2010

Thank you for letting us join you in Praise. I love to get to move a request to the answered column.;)

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

Irob thank you for your prayers I was so worried about her but I knew all along God would watch over her.

by joyceawf1 01 Jul 2010

That is so wonderful! Thank you so much for posting this good news. I did pray for her along with my father who also has bladder cancer. I found out this afternoon that they will no longer be treating my father because his cancer is too far gone. I can't tell you how much better it makes me feel to hear that your sister is doing well.

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lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

Oh ny Joy I am so sorry about your father but dear don't let us give up lets keep praying for him,God can do wonders and I believe in the power of prayer.
Love and blessings to you .

by joanne8125 01 Jul 2010

Every day God is good and we thank Him for this wonderful news.

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lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

yes Joanne we do thank him and praise him for what he does he gives us so many blessings and we may not think about he is so awesome .
hugs Lenamae

by keeponsewing 01 Jul 2010

Praise the Lord for answered prayer... God truly is SO GOOD!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

thank you and yes he is so ttuley good
hugs lenamae

by shirlener88 01 Jul 2010

LenaMae, that is wonderful - another prayer answered.

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lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

Shirlene isn't God wonderful and so good to us we should praise him every day.
thank you for all your prayers.
Love hugs Lena Mae

by lego 01 Jul 2010

I am so GLAD!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

Lego thans so much

by 02kar Moderator 01 Jul 2010

I love good news. I am so glad for you and your sister. Now we need to pray for rapid healong and a quick recovery for her.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

thank you and yes we do .I was so up set when the doctor said she may have blader cancer she had just lost her husband with lung cancer it sure was a blow to her but she is a good christian and God did answer our prayers .Praise him in the higest.
Hugs Lena Mae