by oldtimer992005 02 Jul 2010

my thunderbird is win 32. when i try to downlod i get a message saying "embird 2k4b7 (1).exe is not a valid win 32 application."i emailed embird and they said to follow the help instructions.what a mess i made. i ended up downloading the 30 day trial and now i can not get rid of it.i have my password and the iconizer number.i have emailed some groups asking for help and have not heard getting very discouraged.please, if anybody knows help me clean up this mess.thank you very much for all your help.


by joann13100 02 Jul 2010

I am not an expert in this area, but most 32 bit programs don't work right on the Windows 7 64 bit platform. I think I would call Embird for customer support, even though they told you to follow the help instructions. Since that did not work, I'd give them another call. I actually bought an old refurbished computer with Windows XP SP2 so I could run my artista software version 2 from 2000, because it's not compatible with newer Windows. You may want to Google "running 32 bit software on 64 bit system" to see if Microsoft has a workaround. Normally, Embird would have to make a patch to make the older version work on the 64 bit version. They may or may not have done this. Sometimes they just make you buy an upgrade instead to a later version.
Do you have any old computers laying around you could put your old software on?

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 02 Jul 2010

you can run 32 bits on the window & I have it on my lap top and have not figured it out yet.