Congratulations! Your garden will really start to grow now. Also, let me say that there are NO stupid questions! Here at Cute, we learn from each other through questions and suggestions. Thank-you for your contributions to Cute!!
Congradulations! There are no stupid questions. We educate and re-educate each other every day. Ask away!
Well done and congratulations for the thousand plus flowers.
Love and blessings Chris,Newcastle, Australia
Thank you; I laways love your comments from down under (maybe I will go there one day? would love to see Ayers Rock it's fascinating me since I was a child).
should be: I always love your comments...
It's nearly 1.00a.m. here and I must go to bed ;o)
Yeah for you, and here's another one for your garden. *4U Judy
Glad to hear you are staying. Have another flower and enjoy watching your garden grow
I hope the garden will grow and I will stay here for a few more years. The first time I never gone to the community-section just discovered it a year after coming to this site :-)
It was surprising for me that I read today here from a meber that she will leave because it's not enough happening on this site. I thought that the members are the special element on this site and how much happens depends on them so although on her. I'm feeling very comfortabel here ;o)
Congrats!.....this is a great group....I wished I would have figured out sooner you didn't have to be a paid member to come here.....oh well not always the sharpest knife in the drawer.....have another flower.
Thank you; that's the way I feel for Cute!
And as you can see (and read) my english isn't always the best (me too aren't the sharpest knife *lol*) and I like missing the right letter on my keyboard especially since my husband bought me a much smaller with the new iMac; looks "sooo stylish" and is so nonpractical :o(
Wan't my old one back...
Congrats. It does go real fast after the first 1000:)
I have to show this wonderful picture to my daughter; she will love it :o)
Congrats to you on your wonderful bouquet!!! Heres another for the next 1000. They will grow really fast now!!! Hugs, Judy
Thank you; hope you will still make your outstanding designs for all the cuties. Every human makes mistakes :o)
Here's another and a tiara for getting 1000 flowers, and a reminder that there aren't ANY stupid questions.;)
Ansu, CONGRATULATIONS on your 1st big mielstone and I see you are quickly on the road to the 2nd, too.
no no!!! there are no stupid questions!! it's only stupid if you have a question and don't ask! here's another flower and always ask if you want to know something, That's what this Cute family is for also!