by mops 23 Jul 2010

My take on a pattern I found on The colours match the curtain in Ruth's room - see the scrap.

It's done as raw edge applique and free hand stitching.
I had not been machine quilting for a long time and the stitching was not too great to start with. However, I'm quite pleased by the result. Size is 43 cm square or approx 17".


by lbrow 26 Jul 2010

Martine I love all the beautiful colors. You are so very creative. *

1 comment
mops by mops 27 Jul 2010

Thank you Lilian. My daughter just phoned me she had a look too and she loves it. I emailed the link to here - just could not wait till September when we hope to visit her again.

by barbara68 26 Jul 2010

Very nice.

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by stickmuster 26 Jul 2010

Martine, this is adorable ******

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by iris2006 26 Jul 2010

Martine wat een mooi resultaat en zijn we zelf niet altijd de ergste critici op ons eigen werk? Een ander ziet waarschijnlijk niet eens dat het niet is zoals jij had gedacht.

1 comment
mops by mops 27 Jul 2010

Dank je. Het maken van nette, regelmatige steken vraagt om een goede coördinatie van bewegen van je werkstuk en intrappen van je 'gas'pedaal, en dat was weer even wennen!

by milas 26 Jul 2010

Really beautiful work end color!!!

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by dilceia 25 Jul 2010

Very good, beautiful work!

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by nhsmith55 25 Jul 2010

I really love this! Where did you find the pattern for the flowers, or is it your own.

1 comment
mops by mops 25 Jul 2010

The pattern is from It was a free project some time ago. But it's very easy to make your own patterns: there are 3 simple flower shapes, a circle and a small leave. I arranged the shapes, pinned them and then drew the stems free hand and not having enough green in the right colour to applique those I used a small zigzag stitch over a full strand of embroidery floss. Then I ironed the shapes into place and zigzagged the lot.

by teresanta 25 Jul 2010

molto bello!! benfatto.

1 comment
mops by mops 25 Jul 2010

Thank you!

by theduchess 25 Jul 2010

Looks very pretty and well done. Great Job.

1 comment
mops by mops 25 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by keeponsewing 25 Jul 2010

Martine I love this so much I went back to the website and put it in my sewing favorites. I want to try it one day soon. She used binding around her pillow also.

mops by mops 25 Jul 2010

I know about the binding, but I'd used all my pink scraps and had no time to go out and buy new material. I love some of her other designs as well. Have you seen the own with all sorts of cars and lorries? So cute for a boy!

keeponsewing by keeponsewing 25 Jul 2010

Yes, it's always hard to find things for boys that they will enjoy.

by dlonnahawkins 24 Jul 2010

What a great cushion. And you did great with the color matching. What an excellent job.

1 comment
mops by mops 24 Jul 2010

Thank you!

by kezza2sew 24 Jul 2010

perfect match..I love the design

1 comment
mops by mops 24 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by april22 24 Jul 2010

Dit ziet er erg mooi uit Mops.

1 comment
mops by mops 24 Jul 2010

Dank je; ik ben er zelf erg blij mee.

by cissie03 23 Jul 2010

Very nice, erg mooi

1 comment
mops by mops 24 Jul 2010

Dank je.

by nini 23 Jul 2010

Lovely! Bright colours! Well done!***

1 comment
mops by mops 24 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by cutegirl 23 Jul 2010


1 comment
mops by mops 24 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by holly12 23 Jul 2010

Turned out really nice. Arlene

1 comment
mops by mops 24 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by keeponsewing 23 Jul 2010

Martine, I LOVE this. It's beautiful...It looks almost like what I just finished embroidery, which I will post right now. :)Thanks for sharing. :)

1 comment
mops by mops 23 Jul 2010

Thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing your project.

by shirlener88 23 Jul 2010

Martine, this is lovely - great job.

1 comment
mops by mops 23 Jul 2010

Thanks Shirlene, it was so nice to do something completely different for a change.

by hanna56 23 Jul 2010

very nice playing with the colours!
It looks very light and fresh.

1 comment
mops by mops 23 Jul 2010

Thank you. I had a packet of 4x4 squares and was lucky enough to find a number of matching colours.

by mysew1325 23 Jul 2010

beautiful job..

1 comment
mops by mops 23 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by rwalden 23 Jul 2010

This is so pretty, Good match to the curtains. Good job

1 comment
mops by mops 23 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by gayle950 23 Jul 2010

very nice

1 comment
mops by mops 23 Jul 2010

Thank you.

by nanniesara 23 Jul 2010

Beautiful job. you won't believe this but I have some of the fabric like her curtains. I bought at a yard sale. haven't made anything with it yet but plan to make curtains for my sewing room one day. The fabric is so cheerful and your cushion matches very well.

1 comment
mops by mops 23 Jul 2010

Thank you. My daughter bought the fabric in Brussels in a rather expensive shop. As I haven't got a selvedge I have no idea where the fabric was made. But it's lovely.

by spendlove Moderator 23 Jul 2010


1 comment
mops by mops 23 Jul 2010

Thank you.