The file/image below has just about the same colors as the one you are trying to get a color chart for. The link for the one pictured below is listed. You know you don't have to use the recommended colors. Use what you have and get creative.
Hi if you look on page 39 of the catalog of designs you will see the fish design is not from the pack. The fish design is not in the catalog that I can tell because it was a special offered freebie for 72 hours. but the colors I have matched as best I could with numbers for Madeira Thread is what they listed is as follows (the ones I could fiqure out)
pink #1016; orang/red #1378; Black #1043; green #1251; dark red/orange #1179; orange/red #1378; White #1071; Lt Blue #1074; yellow #1180; orange #1065; (Red vermillion #1154 is used 2 times)
Hi, I went to my design and this is what I have on the fish design you show. Hope it helps. As Follows:
1. Salmon Pink 1873st, 12.0 yds
2. Vermillion 2455st, 13.3 yds
3. Red 606 st, 3.7 yds
4. White 1237 st, 6.2 yds
5. Light blue 209 st, 1.5 yds
6. Teal green 2609 st, 11.0 yds
7. Deep Gold 1882 st, 7.5 yds
8. yellow 334 st, 2.0 yds
9. Clay Brown 373 st, 2.3 yds
10. Black 142 st, 1.2yds
11. White 16 st, 0.9 yds
12. Vermillion 40 st, 0.9 yds
Here is the list of colours used for the Fish627799. - #1016, #1378, #1154, #1071, #1074, #1251, #1065, #1180, #1179, #1043, #1071, #1146. I copy my colours into excel so don't know how to copy the chart here. Best of luck
I just save a picture then pick my colors for sewing as I don't have very many so have to make do.
If this is the fish then the link below is the set it is from. I'm not a member so I am not able to open the set for further viewing. (Or I just don't know how...) Maybe a Cutie out there has a way of getting the color chart for you,
Isn't it odd that you can not open the design pack up to see all 10 designs in the pack? I would not buy something that I could not see what all came with it.
You might be able to with a membership. Not sure how to navigate all the web sites.
Trish, If I knew exactly which fish, I would copy/paste here so you could just copy it. Are you not able to go to that fish individually and copy the color chart?
She wants the fish before the one that is currently up. I downloaded it, but my machine tells me the colors. I don't have the color chart. Does someone know if the fish are still on Amazing Designs?
Here is the link to that fish design.
I do not know if this is the fish that was sent to you but you will see the color chart is printed to the right of the design