Linda sua toalha, Márcia! é de barbante? Assim que me casei, eu fiz todas as cortinas da minha casa de crochê com barbante e uma colcha. Imagine...
Marcia, you have created a superb table cloth.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful work with us.
My goodness! This is lovely! Is this as large as it looks? I haven't done any crocheting in many years but I did enjoy it at one time.
From one crocher to another Marcia I know the time & effort you put into these beautiful projects. Magnificient work.!!! I have done so many crochet projects through the years, but arthritis in my hands keeps me from doing much of it anymore. *
Marcia, this is lovely - I am so happy to view this - you made this by hand - did you not? Such lovely work.
Oi, I am happy in knowing that croche liked it mine. Yes I made the hand. Done Croche the hand. I am much caretaker little leave and nor attend TV. My amusements are the lines and the cloths. E the Internet. ********************************Oi, fico feliz em saber que gostou do meu croche. Sim eu fiz a mão. Croche feito a mão. Eu sou muito caseira pouco saio e nem assisto tv . Meus divertimentos são as linhas e os panos. E a internet .
Beautiful, Just Beautiful, and a lota of great work!!!
Below is the translation:
Towel edge patterns crochê
Muito elegante. Obrigado por compartilhar.
Very Elegant. Thank you for sharing.
Toalha feita com linha de algodão cru.
Towel made with line of raw cotton.