hello jjj, it seems like a few hours since your last flower so have one from me!!!!
My number count got stuck for several months until Best Buy replaced my laptop. Some little thing like a regisgtry key or in my case a bad hard drive that they replaced can freeze up your computer. My date was also stuck and on a few news web sites the same page of news came up during that time. A lot of our problems can stem from our own computers. Here's a flower for you.
Well the flowers seem to be growing now, and we need to make sure we give you some daily so a*4u
/> JJJ , que o seu nome? <br Gosto de dar flores e estou indo para cuidar de seu jardim. As flores mais você postar , mais você vai ganhar. <br /> Um abraço . <br /> Dilceia
I see that your flowers are unstuck now! Hehehe! Keep allowing us to water your garden - we have to see you to do so.
it seems that way to me too. I can come on and it seems that it doesnt't move. then all of a sudden it jumps. so here is another for u anyways
Heres another for you so you don't get stuck again!!! LOL, Judy
Some days they seem to grow better than others. Looks like you are past that now. Another * for you.
Well, I guess you are "unstuck" now! Another flower to you. Carol
I gave you one and it changed from 3 to 4...so no worries! ~Rita
Here's a flower for you. You were at 1501 whenever I replied.
NO and I gave you a flower and your number changed...lots of love deanna