by annatjievdw 05 Aug 2010

So this is the only way I am able to thank all of you for your kind words and prayers. Would have liked to give everyone of you a flower but could not get it to download. At the moment I do not have the time to go into it so I just make do with what I have. You confirmed what I tell everybody - the Cute family is a great, caring and wonderful family. Have lots to do at the new house. My word, you will not believe what I gathered through all the years. The move happened so fast I did not have the time to sort through everything but I started to pack a lot of clothes to give to the people in the squatter camps of which we have a lot here in Pretoria. When that is gone I will hopefully have more space in the cupboards. Miss the lots of cupboards I had in my old house. As a few of you suggested, I am not going to rush and take things at a steady pace. All my best regards and love to all of you. Annatjie


by shirlener88 05 Aug 2010

Anna, so happy to hear from you - yes, just take it as you can get to it and think of all those that are going to benifit from you labor - they will be thrilled. Come aboard - when you can. Keep in touch dear.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 24 Sep 2010

Thanks Shirlene.

by shirlener88 05 Aug 2010

Anna, so happy to hear from you - yes, just take it as you can get to it and think of all those that are going to benifit from you labor - they will be thrilled. Come aboard - when you can. Keep in touch dear.

by lbrow 05 Aug 2010

Anna We are here for you so when you need to talk. talk to us. Much love Lillian

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 24 Sep 2010

Lillian, A great thank you dear.

by marietta 05 Aug 2010

They say there is nothing like a move,to see how much stuff that we do not realy need, has been hoarding up in our cupboards. I agree that the best way to sort this out, is by taking your time, and doing it step by step.
Enjoy packing out and sorting.
Hugs and God bless

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 24 Sep 2010

Marietta, thanks a lot. Dit gaan redelik ok met my dankie.

by keeponsewing 05 Aug 2010

So glad you have made it to the other house. Just do a room at a time don't rush into it. :)Hope your internet connection will pick up soon. :)

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 24 Sep 2010

Thanks dear. Luckily I can now get on the Internet again.

by uscmom 05 Aug 2010

It's good to hear from you even if it's at 30%. Take things one day at a time, there's no rush. Glad you're keeping busy and don't forget to stay in touch. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 24 Sep 2010

Thanks a lot. I've been really busy for a while and there are still a lot to do.

by 02kar Moderator 05 Aug 2010

You take your time. There is no hurry and we do not want you to get hurt. We are here and will patiently wait for updates when you are able to use your computer.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 24 Sep 2010

Thanks a lot, appreciate your concern for me.