by flordefuego926 06 Aug 2010

My 17-yr. old poodle died the day the letter M appeared & I missed it. Could you cutties vote for that letter. Would appreciate it.


by crousse 08 Aug 2010

Absolutely....glad to help and would like to add that I'm sorry for your loss.....I completely understand how you are feeling! :-)

by tiply 08 Aug 2010

Sajnálom kutyáját

1 comment
tiply by tiply 08 Aug 2010

I'm so sorry about your poodle

by coco128 06 Aug 2010

I'm so sorry about your poodle - very sad - will vote for the 'M'..

by kathygo53 06 Aug 2010

Will gladly do so but which M. Sorry about your dog

by cherylgauteng 06 Aug 2010

They are our friends and companions ! They will be missed as would a human being. Grieve and cry when you need to - I have done this. I still look for mine in his favourite spot! It has been a long time (years) and I still miss mine somedays.

by capoodle 06 Aug 2010

At the end of the set there is some open days to vote for missing letters. Please remind us again and I will vote for your missing letter. Think I cried for many days after my mini schnauzer passed. Our pets want nothing more than to please us. It is dreadful to loss a beloved pet.

by katydid 06 Aug 2010

Which M.? The embossed one? Sorry your poodle died. my poodle "Jessie" was the same age when she fell down the deck steps and broke every thing. I had to have her put to sleep. it is hard to loose a pet.

by shirlener88 06 Aug 2010

so sorry to hear of your loss

by leenova54 06 Aug 2010

Sorry to hear about your dog, they are family members too. Having issues with my older cat now.

by nanniesara 06 Aug 2010

Sorry to hear about you four legged baby. I will vote for the M for you.