by jesus4gives 30 Aug 2010

I will be showing them basic sewing, embroidery, quilting, etc. skills. Also, I will be teaching them cooking and gardening skills. My question any of you know where I might could get some donations of supplies that I will need for the home ec class? I am going through all I have here at home to get started but I know I will need more later. We are going to sell some of the items the kids make to be able to buy more to work with. The school is only in its 3rd year and this will be the first time for home ec and they are so happy that it is available to them, but I also know that right now the school can't afford it since they are trying to make school available to all for no cost. I understand that this is going to take time to get this going but it is worth a try. If you cuties can help me with any suggestions or items I'd be very appreciated of it. I can supply you with all the info you would need for verification.


by jesus4gives 02 Sep 2010

Went to a fabric shop to where I actually knew the lady and asked for a few donations....she is going to help and also made asuggestion about a field trip to the shop. down...many to go.

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keeponsewing by keeponsewing 02 Sep 2010

That's wonderful! Great idea also on her part.

by ssampsel 30 Aug 2010

you are my HERO. all of my grandchildren have attended the neighborhood Christian school. the little ones started this term!! anything that has Christian school, home ec & kids has my attention. where are you located & how can i help?
check with your local junior colleges..they have some really good programs to help local causes.

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jesus4gives by jesus4gives 31 Aug 2010

I am located in Axton, Virginia but the school is in Fieldale, Va. You can help anyway that you'd like. I now have staff that is wanting to take part in learning to sew, quilt, embroider, etc. anything that the kids are doing they are wanting to learn. I was thinking that for the adults...I could possibly do a seperate class and maybe have a small fee so I can raise funds for the class.

ssampsel...shoot me a PM and I can give you my phone number or vise/versa and we can chat about it.

Thanks so much and God bless

by keeponsewing 30 Aug 2010

All the answers are great. Here is some other things you can do, which I have done in the past for things like VBS and other non profit classes...Check with some of the notions manufacturing like one here local (Prym Dritz). If you send them a Letterhead from your school and let them know what you are in need of and what you have done already, they possibly might have something to donate. Other places like large fabric manufacturer. These places have so much they donate each year, and you just might get some answers. You might have to provide some type of tax write/off info for them. Also check your local Salvation Army, Goodwill, and places like that. They sometimes have things that are just not selling and would give them away. Will pray that you get enough to start up. Here are some links to try... I hope you can get something from one of them. It's sometimes hard to get things like this. But pray about it and the Lord will provide.

jesus4gives by jesus4gives 31 Aug 2010

Thanks for reminding me....I need to have the Secretary to write me up a Letterhead so that I can send them out. Also I need to come up with an Eye-Catching Flyer.

keeponsewing by keeponsewing 02 Sep 2010

I think you came up with the EYE Catching Flyer when you responded to Hanna56 "As long as I am the needle to help thread these childrens lives together with Him." Maybe reword it so others understand. You know the Lord spoke about the "eye of the needle" maybe you could use something like that. :) Blessings, Terre

by capoodle 30 Aug 2010

Your local community center may have some extra supplies also local quilting stores or groups might be able to donate. Some stores require a letter from your school before they donate so they have a record of their donation.

by hanna56 30 Aug 2010

you got great answers I can see.
Another idea I used many times when I needed any supplies or money for my streetkids-work to go there and help:
i mad flyer with the most important information about my project and what I exactly needed. I gave this flyers to mainly children to give it to their parents at home, of course also in the church, to friends and neighbours. Some I put at the desk in the hairdressersalon near by my living place so that the people can know me, also I gave some to teachers in some schools with different grades.

I had also some friends are giving the flyers away for me where they live.
Especially for giving things instead of money I found open ears.

My prayers are with you, at least it it's God's school - he will provide what you need as long as you are a tool in his hands.
God bless you

jesus4gives by jesus4gives 31 Aug 2010

As long as I am the needle to help thread these childrens lives together with Him.

hanna56 by hanna56 31 Aug 2010

That's what we have to understand!
i had that time ti think I should do all burden alone - now I do what I can but I know it's all about Jesus - he will give through us at the right time as long as we are ready to be there.
God bless you at your challenging work.

by gramsbear 30 Aug 2010

Sounds great! I will Pray for your class and needs. Hugs, Judy

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jesus4gives by jesus4gives 30 Aug 2010

Thanks :)

by lflanders 30 Aug 2010

You do not have any info in your profile. Where are you located? Is it a large city or close to a large city. If people do not know you, like in a large city, they may be more hesitant about just handing out donations. You need to have some printed info to hand out to the businesses about your new start up at the school, with the name and location it.
Good luck to you and to the new classes!

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jesus4gives by jesus4gives 30 Aug 2010

Just fixed it :)

by crafter2243 Moderator 30 Aug 2010

I do not know where you live but when I moved I used an oragnization called "freecycle" on line. I remember a teacher asking for various items. You do have to pick them up. It only services the surrounding area from where you live.

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jesus4gives by jesus4gives 30 Aug 2010

Yes, we have a local Freecycle but we also live in a job drouted area. So many of the folks here try to hold onto what they have. But I will try :)

by lflanders 30 Aug 2010

I think you have some great answers already. You can also contact some of the local Clubs like the Lyons Club, "not night clubs", and health clubs, spa's, you might even try some of the larger beauty salons. If you don't ask, you will not know! The local newspaper might even run an ad for you without charge. When it comes to children and young adults, alot of business' are great about helping.

by mary51 30 Aug 2010

I am a former art teacher (retired), taught in Catholic school must of my life, 33 years teaching, I always went to different stores in my area asking for donations, they were very happy to help. JoAnn used to save the fabric tubes and some printing comp. paper and cardboard not in used anymore. The first day of class I sent a letter with a list of needed items, You would be surprise how parents responded, from scrap fabric to yards of fabric, needles, yarn , etc. Have a nice School Year!!! I do enjoy my retirement but I do miss my students a lot.

by 02kar Moderator 30 Aug 2010

I think kittyhwk and sciencewidow have good ideas. Try any and all stores for items and/or money to purchase needed items. Yard sales and second-hand stores might be helpful. Salvage fabric from clothing to be thrown away. I use a lot of fabric from sheeting fabric that I have gotten for little money. Lots of fabric in sheets. I love to salvage tote bags that have advertising on them. People don't use them much, if at all. It is amazing what you can do with these bags, a little thread, and fabric. Good luck and let us know if we can help even more.

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jesus4gives by jesus4gives 30 Aug 2010

I always shop at yard sales and thrift stores but sometimes its hard to find some of these items even there.

by kttyhwk4 30 Aug 2010

Don't know of any that you could solicite online but
some of the Walmart stores in my area have been know to give donations of this type providing they still have a fabric and craft area in store. Besides nothing ventured nothing gained, so just contact different businesses in your area hopefully you'll you have great results as all business' have a little sludge fund just for this and tax purposes.
So put your walking shoes on and best foot forward and you should be able to get the backing you need for your school....Good Luck! and let us know how it went.

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sewmom by sewmom 30 Aug 2010

I've heard the same thing. You need to ask your local stores. Safeway, Costco, craft stores, etc.