Never thought to add some pictures to show . The bottom 2 are 2 sides of the same quilt.
My quilts have been made with poplin,calico, and drill. I have not mixed my textures but used many colours.
I just used some scraps that I had in my stash, like corderoy,flannel, blue jean, silk dupointi, even a little bridal satin.
I don't do textures, but I DO use bright colors. No pastels for my babies. LOL
Deanna covered it well - I would say - just different feel to each of the fabric's - so that the child also can have a fest of feelings at their fingertips - it makes for some special memories for them.
good textures it is meant fabric choices...there are chenilles and cordarouys, silks, flannels, cottons etc...
by choosing textures, you can get real soft and fluffy- ones with raised bumps or lines, silky fabric that is smooth to the touch...just use a variety of fabrics so each one has a different feel and color....go to your fabric store and start going through touching and placing together different types...micro-fleece is very soft...cordurouys have the ridgesto them...chenilles are also soft...hit the childrens sections...I am not the best person to ask about fabrics, but the person at the store counter will be able to help you do not need a whole lot of material of each one...
do not forget to post work in progress for us...loves deanna