by lenamae 01 Sep 2010

how to do it.



by mops Moderator 07 Sep 2010

I see you uploaded the bird in Projects. As soon as I'm back from my vacation - on the 13th - I have more time to spend on the computer and will upload the design in Designs by Cuties - if there are Cuties who'd like to have it.

1 comment
jofrog2000 by jofrog2000 07 Sep 2010

Me, me! I have a special fondness for Eastern bluebirds. They were my late DH's favorite, and he made lots of BB houses with the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts to put around. They have a hard time with wrens taking over their nests. Every time I see one, I think of him.

by mops Moderator 02 Sep 2010

And here's the other one. Only difference is the outline. I must say I like this one better.

suet by suet 02 Sep 2010

Mops you are so clever. Please can I ask which program you used to digitize this? I am trying to teach myself to use Embird.I have been watching your stitchout as I am very interested in how to create FSL like this

mops by mops 02 Sep 2010

I used Embird. As you can see I did 3 layers at 60 degree angles, 2 in fill 1 at a density of 20. The 3rd layer is a motif stitch - fur 1/2 - at a density of 70 and scale 75% to create a feathery look. Any questions on Embird you can always send me a PM. Might not get an answer before the 13th as I'm off tomorrow morning to visit my daughter.

lenamae by lenamae 02 Sep 2010

Martine this is just beautiful I will test it and send it as soon as I can my machine is acting up so will let it cool down and re connect it and see what happens MY DH hit the arm and knocked it out of line and now I can not even thread it I just get a message it is not threaded right I changed the needle the bobbin and the thread but it still will not sew .reconnecting it is the last thing I know to do.
Love hugs Lena mae thank you thank you Thank you.!!!!!!!!!!!

by mops Moderator 02 Sep 2010

LenaMae, I have my suitcase packed, so I had some time left. Would this do? I used your outlines, but with a bit of thought and some effort I could do them in the colour of the adjacent blocks. Have to try that out and compare the two. By the way, it's 2.14 x 3.45 " and has 6786 stitches.

by judybell 01 Sep 2010

I think your picture is very nice. Judy

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 01 Sep 2010

thank you Judy.

by shirlener88 01 Sep 2010

My Mother (Miss Loretta) also loved the Blue Bird and the Cardinal, as well. This is a great picture, too.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 01 Sep 2010

Shirlene I drew this bird it is not perfict but will work I have a very sweet friend that wants some made for her. Her machine is in NC and she is in NY. so if Martien will do it for me I will make them for her . Thanks for saying it was a great picture it gave me confidence tto try again

by mops Moderator 01 Sep 2010

LenaMae, I can try, would be Saturday when I'm on the ferry to Stavanger for the better part of the day. I would however not be able to test it. Now that I did the FSL butterfly I have some time on my hands :).

lenamae by lenamae 01 Sep 2010

Martine I would pay you to do it for me ,just let me know .this is my own drawing I did it just before I put it in the site. I have a friend that wants me to make some for her and I don't know how to do FSL . I sure would like to learn I have my PE8 but have not learned to use it yet. I am going to buy a disk and see if I can learn it

lenamae by lenamae 01 Sep 2010

Martine if it needs any changes it is okif you do so and when you get it done you may put it on DBC if you would like to.I have not learned to do that either.

mops by mops 02 Sep 2010

I like the drawing and it is good enough for digitising. I've never seen a bluebird but Shirlene and Judy liked it, so I'm not worried on that point. I'll enjoy making an FSL design for you.

by lenamae 01 Sep 2010

Here is the picture.Lena Mae