by designcrazy 06 Sep 2010

I hope everyone has had a great Labor Day. My husband,myself and another couple rode our bicycles 26 miles on the Chief Ladiga Trail and had a picnic lunch at a park along the trail. It was fun!


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by shirlener88 07 Sep 2010

Oh my - that owuld have been so much fun - more than anything else that I miss are our 25-30 mile bike rides in a park or along a trail next to a river. I wished Rick and I could have been with you. No chance in that happening - unless by a miracle he gets the use of his leg/foot and arm/hand back. Glad you had fun.

1 comment
designcrazy by designcrazy 07 Sep 2010

Yes, I wish you and Rick could have been with us! I'm so sorry that he isn't able to ride now, I know you both miss it. Just keep praying for improvment and maybe soon he'll be able to ride again. Everyone that's able should get out and do something while their able, don't you think? I wish we'd started riding when we were younger. Sometimes I think I'm too old for it!!!

by 02kar Moderator 07 Sep 2010

It sounds like a very pleasant day. My husband and I just stayed in and vegged all day. Something he seldom gets to do.

1 comment
designcrazy by designcrazy 07 Sep 2010

Yes, it was a very pleasant day. The weather was nice. It did get a little warm after lunch, but the trail is partly shaded, so that really made for a nicer ride. We hope to do it again soon. Sounds like you and your husband had a relaxing day. It's good to have a day like that every now and then.

by keeponsewing 06 Sep 2010

Goodness, that was a long ride. You are either really fit or very sore right now. hehehe... Glad you have a great time. Terre

1 comment
designcrazy by designcrazy 07 Sep 2010

Yes,it was!! I'm not all that fit really! But I'm really not very sore this morning. My husband and I have been riding, when we can, for a couple of years. I wish we had started riding earlier in our lives, it has to be better than doing nothing!