by lenamae 13 Sep 2010

machine is in the shop now so I will just reat and get well.. I missed every one.

Lena Mae


by blueeyedblonde 14 Sep 2010

Glad you are doing better. Having pnewmonia is no fun. I've had it a couple times and ended up in the hospital.
Good to be home again isn't it. Get as much rest as you can now - take care.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

thank you I am doing every thing the doctor is telling me to do.Hugs Lenamae

by iris2006 14 Sep 2010

Sorry to hear about your ilness but I'm so glad that you are at home again. Please take your time and rest to recover.

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Iris thank you .hugs lena Mae

by quiltgrama 14 Sep 2010

Glad you are feeling better and nice to see you again. stay well and rest. Hugs Lisa

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

hUGS Lena Mae

by auntbaba 14 Sep 2010

Welcome back! I'm glad that you are feeling better, and with rest, I'm sure that you will be back to normal very soon.

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Thanks so much .about 4 weeks and I will be back up and running full blast he told me a few things I could and a few I could not do no lifting no sewing sit and rest ever 30 minutes or so. Hugs Lena Mae

by cathiejones 14 Sep 2010

Well come back with us.
Take care.
Love Cathie

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

thank you Cathie

by mops Moderator 14 Sep 2010

Lena Mae, I did not know you were ill but I'm glad you're home again! Take it easy and get well soon!
Love, Martine

by castelyn 14 Sep 2010

Lena Mae, glad to hear you are home again. Get well soon. Hugs Yvonne

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Thank you Yvone I sure missed every one and am so far behind I will never catch up.
Love and hugs Lena mae

by capoodle 14 Sep 2010

Here is an Angel to watch over you. Feel Better.

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

thank you it is so nice to be back home and can breath.hugs lenamae

by rwalden 13 Sep 2010

So glad your feeling better. I pray you'll feel better each day. Take care of yourself.

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

rwalden thank you.
Lena Mae

by leenova54 13 Sep 2010

Plenty of rest! Your lungs are very important. I have had asthma, bronchitis, collapsed lung, lung cancer and surgery to remove part of one and then chemo. You must be careful not to over do. REST!

leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2010

I forgot to add in there that I have had pneumonia several times too. If they sent you home with inhalers to use, please use them as directed for as long as the doc says to!

lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

thanks Lee OH my goodness I am so sorry you have all that .he said I had copd. I do have 2 inhalers to use and he told me it was important .that I do.
Love hugs Lena

leenova54 by leenova54 14 Sep 2010

COPD is life long so now you have to be especially careful. If you smoke, quit! I quit 16 years ago and if I can do it anyone can. Don't be around people who do smoke. Cover your nose and mouth in very cold weather, the cold air will cause more coughing. For you, a regular chest cold will be harder to deal with so take good care of yourself! Do as I say, not as I do, lol. I am a bad patient!

lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

I do not smoke I did but quit qbout 21 years ago .
but I did not smoke that much when I did smoke .
hugs Lena mae

by meganne 13 Sep 2010

Oh Dear Lena Mae please make sure you do as the doctor tells you or you will suffer terribly later.

I hope it was not the kind that affects your heart muscle. You will know if it was as it will manifest itself in rapid or erratic heartbeat, so please don't panic if that happens, just get yourself back to your doctor or hospital as calmly as possible, it's usually not serious but may need medication for a few months until it settles down.

In Australia we can get vaccinated against further bouts of pneumonia and it is well worth it to know you are protected.

Please take care and don't exert yourself until you are 100% over it or it will come back to bite you.
Hugs n love, Meganne

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

The doctoe was up set because I had not come in earlier than i did.but meganne I picked up some thing and I thought I had pulled a mussle it started hurting in my arm and shoulder that night every time I breathed it hurt I thought on no I have broken that rib again so I went in to see if that is what I had done. I was not coughing or any thing pneumonia was the last thing on my mind.
Love and hugs Len a mae

by katydid 13 Sep 2010

Hospital is no Vacation. Glad you are feeling better. If you have allergies, be careful. rag weed is almost here. I am already sneezing when I go outside.

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Kiy I do have alergies I ask the doctor if I could do the quilt show the last of this month he said if it is in side and I have a place to sit down every 30 minutes or so to reat but i have to cancle on the fall festival because to many people comming through and it is out side,bommer was lookinf forward to that.
hugs Lena Mae

by shirlener88 13 Sep 2010

I see that the Lord arranged for both you and your machine to get some rest - so do what the doctor's say and rest and get better. So glad that you are home and in recovery.

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Shirlene thank you .Yes I had takon my machine in just a day or so before and had it fixed then I sat and sewed a couple of designs .and it did the same thing again guess it was trying to tell me to stop. hehe Hugs Lena Mae

by gramsbear 13 Sep 2010

Just had pneumonia myself! It takes a while to get recouperated, especially when your old like me. Hahaha! Take care. Prayers and Hugs, Judy

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Judy I do not know how old you are but I am 72 and thank Got this is the first time I have been in the hospital other than to have a baby and surgery . I gues I am in fair health other than my lungs and they will get better the doctor was treating me for my heart and running all the test on it and it was fine working just great .
Hugs Lena Mae

by mad14kt 13 Sep 2010

My prayers are with you. PLEASE get well and your rest. I am praying your strength in the Lord.

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Thank you so much
Lena mae

by beatie58 13 Sep 2010

Glad to hear you are back home, take it easy and do as the doctor says...Get Well soon

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

thanks Beatie

by caroldann 13 Sep 2010

Glad you are back home. You will now get more rest than what you did in the hospital. Now you can just relax and plan all your projects for when you get your machine back! LOL...Carol

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Thanks Carol I am just happy I am better and can breath again.I did finish one of my ufo's I will post it when I up load the pictuer
hugs lena mae

by lindalee757 13 Sep 2010

Wow-sorry to hear about your hospital stay with Pneumonia Lena-never had it but do feel for you-I do know what the hospital time is like(did a month of it myself years ago for UC-not fun).Take it easy and follow Dr.'s orders-don't need to relapse-next get that machine all doctored up too ! Hope you are feeling better and stronger by the hour~smiles~ Linda

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

Linda I feel great and feel like i could do any thing right now but I know I better not better do doctors orders. he sure was a nice doctor My doctor don't do the hospital this hospital here has it own doctors they confer with your doctor but they do what has to be done I really like this hospital it was a nice stay just was not home.
Hugs Lena Mae

by keeponsewing 13 Sep 2010

Glad you're back. How in the world did you catch pneumonia? Get you plenty of rest. I know your lungs are real tender, I've had pneumonia before, not fun at all. Especially when you are allergic to Sulfa drugs... Hugs, Terre

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

terre the doctor said i was in just the right place to pick up the germ don't know when that was as I spend most of my time at home .about the only place I go is the arobics class 3 times a week. could have picked it up there.I don't know I have had it once before but it was not like this I was just coughing then.
Hugs Lenamae

by theduchess 13 Sep 2010

Glad to see you're feeling better and are back home. Pneumonia can be VERY dangerous.Just enjoy life and take it very easy.

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lenamae by lenamae 14 Sep 2010

thank you .I do feel better but it will be a few days before I can do much no lent that throws a wrench in my sewing but had to put machine in shop so that helps.with it not being here. hugs Lena Mae