by lorrieallred 18 Sep 2010

Oh my goodness! have you ever had a grandchild give herself a hair cut at your house? I felt worst than her hair cut. All that beautiful blonde hair. My daughter was so upset.


by lbrow 18 Sep 2010

LOL Not a grand but my daughter when she was barely 4, She took blunt scissors & cut all her bangs off even with the top of her head. I kept a stocking cap on her head for months it looked so bad. Good thing it was winter. It will grow back be sure you get a picture so one day you can look back and laugh. *

by frannie 18 Sep 2010

My granddaughter, Annya, got her bangs caught in one of those little personal fans while at the babysitter's. Poor Lisa couldn't get it unwound and the only thing she could do was cut bangs for her. (Which looked really cute and kept her hair out of her eyes.) But poor Lisa nearly had a heart attack waiting to explain to Mom what had happened.

My son decided to trim his own bangs when he was about 3. Unfortunately, what he did was give himself a reverse mohawk. Thank goodness my hairdresser was able to trim his hair really short and no one ever knew except his Dad and I. We still laugh about it.

by dlonnahawkins 18 Sep 2010

I think this has happened to all of us. I had one daughter do it. We were getting ready for a party. She somehow got ahold of some bubble gum, and got it in her hair. She was only about 2. She wore her hair in 2 ponytails, and got it stuck in one of them. She came into the house, got my pinking shears, took her pony tail out and cut the gum out of her hair. I cried, and called the beauty shop to see if they could fit her in really quick. Of course, they all thought that it was funny. We did not allow the kids to chew bubble gum, so she knew she would be in trouble. My grandkids have not done that at my house, but they did try it.

by zazmau 18 Sep 2010

My daughter was 7 when my mother decided to trim her long blonde hair while taking care of her. She had NEVER had a hair cut before and my mother knew my feelings about her long hair. I was combing her hair the next day when I noticed it. She said "I told Gramma not to cut it" Sorry to say it hurts me to this day that my mother didn't respect my feelings, that I missed my daughters first hair cut,that I have no before and after pictures and I have no lock of hair from her first hair cut. My daughter is 37 years old.
At least your situation was an accident not a deliberat act.

1 comment
danababes by danababes 18 Sep 2010

I have a 3yr old son who has also never had a haircut and he has lovely blonde ringlets .. but same deal, my mom keeps threatening to give him a haircut. She'd better not dare! (lol) xXx

by mysew1325 18 Sep 2010

my little 3 1/2 year old granddaughter gave her self a hair cut just the other day.. her mom called me.. Help Mom what do I do.. come on over I said.. Lucky for the little one she only cut the sides of her beautiful Long blond hair off.. So I trimmed the back to a V shape and She still has pretty hair.. sort of a Page Boy look.. actually it looks better now than when it was longer..Kids are wonderful..

by sewmom 18 Sep 2010

No, I don't have grandchildren yet. One of my daughter's did it at home and school! One of my boys did it too, while his older brother was watching and didn't say a thing! It was a triangle cut right in the front, we tried to fix it but he wore a hat to school for a long time even though he was only about 5 or 6. My daughter fortunately had long enough hair that hers didn't show very bad. In fact, I only noticed when I found the hair in her room. She did it more than once, a trait we have found in her, she doesn't learn the hard way very easily.

by queenofhearts 18 Sep 2010

When my middle daughter was about 2 her 5 year old sister put doll curlers in the little ones hair. When she couldn't get them out she took a scissors and cut them out. I was so upset because we were ready to leave on vacation, visiting family who had never seen the younger one. Neither one of them have ever forgotten it but one of my favorite pictures now is of the little one with her new "do". And the beautiful curly hair grew back just fine.

by mary51 18 Sep 2010

I do not have a grandchild, but my son he was 5 at that time cut his sister long blode hair too, and then he cut the front side of his hair.

by meganne 18 Sep 2010

I remember when I was four, I was being minded by a lady while Mum was having my brother.

Well the lady decided my beautiful waist length hair was too difficult to look after and took me for a haircut, despite all my tears and pleading.

Imagine my Mum, raw and emotional after finally giving birth to a Son, (her first one had died aged 11 months), only to find her precious Princess had had all her hair chopped off to above her ears.

Needless to say Miss Brooks (yes 57 years later I still remember her name) never ever minded me again. LOL!!!

Now my hair is that short by choice!!!!

Tell your daughter that cutting hair helps to strengthen it so it will grow back even prettier than before.
HUgs n roses, Meganne

by airyfairy 18 Sep 2010

It will soon grow again. Luckily it was only hair!!

by sdrise 18 Sep 2010

Hi Yep.... Thats when you give her a pixie cut. My sister did that to me when we were small. My mom had all three of us cut into pixie cuts and then had a professional picture taken of us all sitting together. I was the one with the crooked and short bangs though. I still treasure that picture to this day. Make sure you take a picture of her and she will love it in her older years. Suzanne

by eggyannie 18 Sep 2010

the only thing between a bad hair cut and a good one is about three weeks.
be sure to take a photo that can be given to her when she hits 18. it realy would be one to cherish and hopefully an experience never gone through again
annie in the uk

by toogie 18 Sep 2010

I let my grand-daughter sit on my sewing room floor & cut thread scraps with my nippers while I sewed. well, when she went home (she was about 5,maybe) she woke up early one morning , b/4 parents , got Moms scissors& cut her little recliner chair, in her room, her dust ruffle on her bed, and her Daddy's BRAND NEW SHIRT! --- Also when we were little, my oldest sister told my middle one, "Come in the closet, Mamma told me to cut your hair" We still laugh and tell the middle one, when she does something really dumb (& we all do @ one point), "well, you never were too bright, remember the closet?" ha ha --- Your daughter will get over it, but you Will be reminded until it does. Take care Hugs, Toogie

by sewbadly 18 Sep 2010

Sounds like you need to "take one for the team". Because it happened at your house, when asked... your daughter can say that the girl was at your house at the time. Eases things in your daughters mind while the hair grows back.
Sorry for the fresh stress... thankfully, it was only hair.

by mommadooks 18 Sep 2010

When I was little, my older sister and I cut each others hair while supose to be taking a nap, LOL then we cut the cats hair. I was a persian.

1 comment
joann13100 by joann13100 18 Sep 2010

Ohhh--the poor cat!

by rwalden 18 Sep 2010

Had three daughter and everyone of them did it at some point. The neighbors kid cut one of my daughters hair. Luckily the mom was able to make it look better before I got the call. It's just'll grow back.

by jayce 18 Sep 2010

Children are so wonderful don't you think, lol

by 02kar Moderator 18 Sep 2010

Hopefully, it will become a family story in the future. Maybe you can make a pretty hat for your granddaughter.

by shirlener88 18 Sep 2010

OH my - my son cut my daughters long curly locks off - when she was small - I had to almost give her a butch to correct it - it was in the back - she never had curly locks again. But it did grow back in much thicker than before. She has lovely long hair now. I hope your daughter will remember you didn't do the cutting.

by capoodle 18 Sep 2010

How much did she cut off? My Mom had to take me to get my hair fixed after my older sister attempted to give me a haircut when I was seven. Most little ones will try cutting their hair so keep your scissors locked up when the little ones are around. Knew a lady that put her scissors in the freezer. Just tell her how beautiful she looks and know that it will keep growing.

by leenova54 18 Sep 2010

Oh, don't feel too bad, happens to every little girl at some point. When my youngest was 2 he cut the cat's whiskers off! He thought it was fine, told me, "kitties whiskies". Cat just laid there and looked at me!

queenofhearts by queenofhearts 18 Sep 2010

Isn't it funny how even animals feel embarassed?

leenova54 by leenova54 18 Sep 2010

Yes, and some people call them "dumb" animals!

by keeponsewing 18 Sep 2010

Yep several times. Once at my house once at her house... She had to live with it, but it was sorta funny because she would make bangs everytime.:) Don't be too upset, it will grow back. :)

1 comment
rwalden by rwalden 18 Sep 2010

My youngest daughter didn't want bangs to she cut them off thinking that was the solution.

getEdited - SELECT
by kttyhwk4 18 Sep 2010

I can't imagine how horrorfied you were when you saw what she had done. Think I would have just sat down and cried. Our dgc can get into so much in just a blink of an eye and then stare up at you with that innocent expression. I know your daughter is upset but hopefully she'll get over it soon and have a laugh with you about it as that's all that can be done at this point. Let us know when you're back in good graces or the next time she lets you babysit.You're not the first this has happened to and you won't be the last by any means. So cheer up it's only hair and it will grow back and probably come in thicker, my daughter's