maybe you can find it at this site.
Thanks for bringing this back up. My niece is having her first baby and her husband is from Jamica. She is the one I made the burp pad for. So now I have a reference to make some of the gowns and onesies for the little boy. :)
There are some really cute ones here (one of the cuties made a quilt, and it was really cute)
There are several babies with brown skin & Black hair at Go to the freebies & then start looking from about page 45 onwards ,a lot are by Reg & Margaret Hawkins. You are allowed 3 free designs per week after joining
Just to let you know I have some African American Fairy embroidery designs out now.
Here's another one.
can't any child design be used and just use appropriate thread color for the skin to make it what you want?
My name is Cecilia and my site is
I have some more African American baby Lady bugs there now and I have African American Fairies coming next. I plan to specialise in multicultural designs.
Regarding Sales, I do have sales every now and again. When my designs are not on sale I sell them on a tiered discount system and so the more you buy the bigger your discount.
You can always ask to be put on my mailing list to be notified of new designs and sales or special offers.
In response to some of the ladies comments below. I appreciate your comments very much but I would like to dispell a few myths.
Almost all digitisers buy their artwork from other people and therefore do not have the freedom of having whatever they want. It is Illegal to change the artwork unless you have permission. I am an artist myself but I do not have time to do both the artwork and digitise. I intend to in the future sometime if I can. I therefore can only digitise what is available by the artist concerned and I cannot do a matching girl set if the artist has not created one. I am not allowed to create my own from their artwork. I do however have some baby girls on the way as I was given permission to change the same boys set into girls by the artist.
I pay a lot of money to get these designs, they are not free and It is very hard to make a living from digitising and pay for the artwork when no one wants to pay for the embroidery designs themselves and expects them for free. If I want the artist to do any designs for me personally I have to pay double for them and I never get anything half price or for free. I work all day, everyday, every weekend and holiday without a break until the early hours of the morning as I do absolutely everything myself and I struggle just to get back the costs of my artwork. If no one buys my designs until they are on sale I cannot afford to buy artwork to produce more designs. This applies to all digitisers who pay for their artwork and many of us will go out of business and there will no longer be designs for embroiderers and they will end up paying the high prices of brother designs again or being left with inferior digitisers. Digitising is a highly complex and time consuming skill. Those who sell designs cheaply are usually very inexperienced and produce bad quality designs.
As far as the lady with the new software goes, you can change the colour of designs but it is illegal to change the design itself without permission from the original artist and digitiser.
Thanks for the explanation and information. It is very helpful and reminds us to be grateful for the time and effort all digitizers put into their work. We have seen many digitizers experiencing hard times, financially, and hope that all can make it through this time of recession in our economy. Good luck to you and thank you for producing so many lovely designs.
There are lots of African American baby designs on these sites. There is even a link for African American Angels. Please post a picture in the projects for us.
Wow, thank you so much. There are some cuties. I have just gotten part of a license for a digitizing program and hope to be able to alter some of my existing designs, but have no idea yet how to use it. I appreciate these links.
check at the free designs at,
just put baby in the search field. you'll find several.
Cecilia has some very adorable ones, I would wait for them to go on sale if you can.
Boy are these cute. I'll hope for a sale soon. Any idea how to track when the sales happen?
You can add yourself to my mailing list at
There is an adorable set on Cecilia's on OPW. You can not look at them without smiling. They are not free but well worth the price!
Thank you and the baby boy set looks like it can be used for either a girl or boy. I am surprised that she didn't do a matching baby girl set. The girl set I looked at wasn't as cute as the one for the baby boys. Thanks.