by margiepink 24 Sep 2010

sections with three buttonholes and buttons. My question is do I button the back together before stitching around the entire pillow fabric? Never made a pillow like this before. Thanks for the help.


by margiepink 24 Sep 2010

Thanks cuties for all your help, I pinned both front and back sides right sides together but left the middle button unbuttoned. Turned out beautiful. So feel I got the Sciata making the pillow for 5 hours in class I might as well use it in the car. Thanks again

by capoodle 24 Sep 2010

I see you got your question answered. I got sciatica with both my pregnancies and it seemed to last 2 to 4 months both times. Wasn't given anything since pregnant (I did request one of every pill available lol.) With your meds you should start functioning more normal soon. Feel Better.

by rwalden 24 Sep 2010

Just wanted to say hope you feel better soon. I've had the sciatica pain and it is miserable. *4U

by babsie 24 Sep 2010

Hi, yes you have to finish the back before putting the two pieces together to sew it up. Just remember to unbutton before sewing it up so that you can turn it inside out. Hugs, hope you feel better soon.

by shilly 24 Sep 2010

Flowers for cutie helpers and hope u feel better soon.

by 02kar Moderator 24 Sep 2010

You have your answers for the pillow. I need to ask if you have benn referred to a Physical Thereapist. I have chronic pain from my herniated disks and have tried many other ways to control the pain. Gentle exercise, stretching, heat/ice are a few of my pain control methods. I now use meds only when I am desperate or know I will be in a situation (like traveling) that will increase the pain out of control. Hope things improve quickly for you.

1 comment
margiepink by margiepink 24 Sep 2010

Begin physical therapy this coming Monday. Glad Social Security pays 80% and my private retirement insurance picks up the 20% balance, but I know down deep it is going to cost me a little.

by mops Moderator 24 Sep 2010

As long as you can still turn it right side out, that's the best way to do it, so the button edges will lay flat. To make sure you can always leave the middle one open. With a zip you have to leave it partly open, otherwise you'll have to undo one of the seams.

by leenova54 24 Sep 2010

If it is what I am thinking about (you can unbutton the finished pillow to put in the pillow form or take it out to wash the fabric) then yes, button first, that way the seams for the button edges will lie flat together. Does that make sense? You want the button edges to line up properly. Hope that helps, if not hopefully someone else knows better.
Glad to hear you got the pain under control and hope it won't flare up again! Probably from sitting so long the nerve got pinched.