by adelmarie 24 Sep 2010

These are some really nice FSL designs from Cute. I have not done much FSL but these design are great.


by iris2006 28 Sep 2010

Hello Adelmarie, that is a lon time ago, so glad you're back and you made some lovely FSL things too, they look great

by sorval 28 Sep 2010

oh this look cute
hugs Sonja

by lenore 28 Sep 2010

They are lovely.

by moyed 28 Sep 2010

Cute as a, oops not button, snail.

by marietta 26 Sep 2010

These look great, I am itching to stitch them too. So nice to see how designs you have too, stitch out.

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 26 Sep 2010

Thank you

by rwalden 25 Sep 2010

Love them. They look great

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 25 Sep 2010

Thank you

by noah 25 Sep 2010

Well for your first try you did great now to get you hooked HA!HA!Carolyn

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 25 Sep 2010

Thank you, not really an FSL fan, it is beautiful but really time consuming and that I don't have much. ;)

by oaro 25 Sep 2010

cute designs

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 25 Sep 2010

thank you

by stickmuster 25 Sep 2010

very sweet LSL *******

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 25 Sep 2010


by shirlener88 25 Sep 2010

How CUTE and adorable - we have been missing you young lady.

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 25 Sep 2010

Thanks, i miss been around more too.

by ramona 24 Sep 2010

These are just too cute. Thanks for sharing.

1 comment
adelmarie by adelmarie 25 Sep 2010
