by annatjievdw 07 Oct 2010

10 years. The people in the retirement village are all very friendly and I've made quite a few friends already. I really enjoy living here and it is not as lonely as it used to be in our own home. I even sang a few for them at our Spring lunch and enjoyed it a lot. Will be singing again at the Christmas dinner. Again, thanks a lot to each and everyone of you for praying and thinking of me. I appreciate it a lot. Man, this is the most wonderful family to belong to. Hugs and kisses to each and everyone of you. Annatjie


by read180 16 Oct 2010

Annatjie, this is such good news. GLad to hear you are finding yourself in such good health and feeling so good. Blessings to you.Cindy B.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Thanks a lot Cindy

by camylow 16 Oct 2010

HOW WONDERFUL....The ability to make new friends and find the same interests in others is very much uplifting....very HAPPY for you.....deanna

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Thanks Deanna dear.

by eyeztodiefor10 15 Oct 2010

How wonderful to hear someone with good news! Many folks hate retirement places and I know they try to have activities to keep folks busy and entertained. It's great you are jumping in and having some fun. It is what you make it. What a relief to be relaxed after being stressed for such a long time.
God bless you,

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Thanks Meri. I really enjoy living here.

by jrob Moderator 11 Oct 2010

Annatjie, It is so good to hear from you and that you are in good spirits. I'm happy that you have new friends and they are very lucky to have you to sing to them. I wish that we could hear you sing! Maybe next time, you can get someone to post it on YOUTUBE! Hugs and kisses to you, dear. ;)

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Thanks a lot. Dont think I am good enought for Youtube though.

by judybell 11 Oct 2010

Annatjie, this is wonderful news and how great it is that you are willing to get involved with the folks at the retirement village. God is so good. Enjoy making new friends and singing. God bless, Judy *4U

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Thanks a lot Judy.

by castelyn 11 Oct 2010

Annatjie, so glad to hear that you are relaxed, and have made friends. Hugs Yvonne

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Yes Yvonne it is really good to make new friends.

by gerryvb 09 Oct 2010

wonderful to read you are doing so well.I'm glad you are a Cute family member too!wished we could here you singing too.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Gerry, thanks dear.

by lbrow 08 Oct 2010

Sounds as though you have settled in well. I hope they are aware how lucky they are to have you with them. Keep making friends & singing for them. Music soothes the soul.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Music is really a wonderful thing. Thanks a lot.

by crafter2243 Moderator 08 Oct 2010

That is good news. I am glad that you like it there. Having friends is so important.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Thanks a lot.

by 02kar Moderator 08 Oct 2010

I am so glad for you. It is wonderful that you have found your niche there. Keep singing. I wish I could be there to hear you sing.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Thanks a lot. I really enjoy it here.

by lflanders 08 Oct 2010

This sounds great. It may not be home but it sounds like the next best thing! After all is said and done, life is what you make it. You have a great attitude and a wonderful outlook on the situation. You can be happy in a new place if you have a good attitude about everything. It sure sounds like you have found a new family of friends.I am very glad to hear you sound so happy. Now.. if it were me and I was trying to sing in public, most likely they would run me out of the building!!!!!!!!! heehee I can do alot of things, even some of them very well but my son even hates to sit next to me in Church when the music starts. I have learned to sing very very very quietly.
Good luck to you and keep a good attitude and you have won alot of friends and a nice new home.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Thanks for the good wishes, appreciate it a lot.

by shirlener88 07 Oct 2010

Annatjie, we are thrilled for you - it does sound like you are relaxing and making great new contacts and entertaining them all, too. Keep it up.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Yes Shirlene I really feel very good nowadays. And thanks a lot.

by marthie 07 Oct 2010

Annatjie dis fantasties om te hoor. Enjoy life. You deserve it

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Marthie baie dankie jong. Ek bly regtig lekker hier. Die huis is maar klein maar wat mens leer om aan te pas.