by leenova54 09 Oct 2010

later! Not a bad price for 11 adults and 2 small children. Son insisted on leaving the tip so saved us $30. My FSL bells were a hit! Gave one to the lady who is preforming the ceremony too and she loved it, they all asked how I did it, had to confess that I didn't, my machine did, lol! An hour drive home and have to be back up there at noon tomorrow to set up chairs and get pics taken then the wedding starts at one. Hopefully I will get some nice pics pretty quick to post!


by gramsbear 10 Oct 2010

I am very happy for you and them!!! Hugs, Judy

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 11 Oct 2010

Thank you! It was wonderful!

by jacquipaul 10 Oct 2010

Wonderful price for here in our area of the USA. So nice that you shared your bells, too.
Have a lovely wedding.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 11 Oct 2010

Yes, we were surprised we got off so cheap! The couple originally were going to pay for the dinner but I told the bride that the groom's parents traditionally pay for the rehearsal dinner and she said it wasn't necessary but I insisted!

by ansalu 10 Oct 2010

Debra, hope you can still sleep and are refreshed for the wedding. I will think on you when I'm going to bed this night cause this must be the time of the wedding at your side of the world :o)
Have a wonderful day and greetings for the unknown couple; we all here wish them the best!
Hugs, Bettina

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 11 Oct 2010

Betinna, All went well, weather was beautiful for an outdoor wedding. Usually it is very chilly here and rain too but it got nice for these few days and stayed dry! I'll post pics when I get them!

by daisy530 10 Oct 2010

Best wishes to the new couple! Lets hope everyone can fit into their wedding outfits today :)

by grandmamek 10 Oct 2010

Glad to hear the dinner was a success. Enjoy the wedding. Hugs, Mary

by castelyn 10 Oct 2010

Debra so glad that you managed to complete the bells, and you had a wonderful dinner. Hope you had a good rest so that you will have a great time at the wedding Hugs Yvonne

by moyed 10 Oct 2010

Deb Ho9pe all goes well for the wedding. Helen

by airyfairy 10 Oct 2010

I hope all goes well. I hope you will post a picture. Hugs from SA.

by fannyfurkin 10 Oct 2010

You are making my mouth water, Hope all goes well

by camylow 10 Oct 2010

i can't wait to view them all...have fun...deanna

by kttyhwk4 09 Oct 2010

So glad you got your bells finished and that they were such a big hit. The dinner sounded delicious. Hope you get a good nights rest as tomorrow will be a very busy and trying day. Looking forward to the wedding pics. ENJOY the day!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 10 Oct 2010

I am tired, it's past midnight and I am getting ready to go take a shower now so I can sleep in a little in the morning.

by rwalden 09 Oct 2010

Glad you had a good time and good food. Look forward to seeing wedding pictures.

by jayce 09 Oct 2010

Wedding pics would be nice lol

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 09 Oct 2010

As soon as I have pics I will get them posted! Exciting time, after 10 years they finally decided it was gonna stick so they may as well make it legal, lol.

by shirlener88 09 Oct 2010

Debra, so happy that your dinner went well and especially that everyone got a FSL Bell - that means that you finished them - Hehehe! I will be praying for you tomorrow - to enjoy the wedding and to get lots of lovely pictures for the memories and to share with us, too.

You dinner sounds so good - makes me wish I had been there in person.

leenova54 by leenova54 09 Oct 2010

Oh Shirlene, I had that last bell hanging in the window to dry before we left! I thought I was going to have to hold it out the car window on the way there to dry, lol! Everyone seemed amazed by them. Dinner was delish! Tomorrow is suppose to be a 5 course brunch! Sounds like too much food, there is even desserts and then wedding cake! The happy couple is paying for that and I am figuring it is going to cost them about $400, they must be crazy! They are really cutting into the honeymoon fund for 2 weeks in Japan!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 10 Oct 2010

OH dear - I wished you would have just used your blow dryer on it - then you wouldn't have worried like that - I do that all the time - it saves time and I know if I need to rinse more or not - It is nice that the weeding couple paid for the dinner - it is sad to think that they might be spending too much now - and cutting their funds for the homeymoon - but things aren't as expensive there - from what I hear - you get some rest and have a great day - tomorrow - let us know - how things go. I will be praying for all of you to have peace and love throughout the day.

by keeponsewing 09 Oct 2010

Deb, that was a GREAT price for a delicious meal... Have a wonderful time tomorrow. Blessings to all.. Hugs, Terre

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 09 Oct 2010

The bride to be was the one who picked the dining place and decided to do pass around plates of the food so everyone didn't place single orders and that saved money right there. She is a pretty smart lady!