My GGD even down to the hair color. They have a dozen on their pond and she loves every one of them. Thanks
Thank You I have two ducks here at home with me Popcorn and Peanut are their names and I love them very much they are like my other kids that stay out in the yard LOL !!
Thanks for the duck design. When I was teaching second grade, we were able to successfully hatch one duck and one chick, and they were great friends. The duck bonded to me and followed me all over the school. The chicken bonded to the duck and followed her when she was following me. The chicken had a much shorter attention span and kept getting lost. So, the duck and I would have to go back to find her. She was usually in the library, reading about Henny Penny. It was great fun for the kids - and for me!
very pretty but I thought it was red work.
thank you she is beautiful
I thought it was a redwork design, but it is fully filled. Why don't you post a picture of the stitch-out, so everyone can see the real design? Not every one has the software to view it and see how pretty it is.