by smallwunderz 18 Oct 2010

Am on Designs by Cuties and would like to send a flower to the designers who made such wonderful designs and cannot figure out how to do it? Help !?!?!?!


by theduchess 18 Oct 2010

Welcome to Cute. You'll find there's are a lot of talented people here.(Not me)And they are all very generous to share their creations.A great help is the links that are provided where we can find freebies. Lots of help here.

by kalinelson 18 Oct 2010

When you click on the design you will see a flower in the top right the flower and they will receive a can also give a flower to the names below if you choose.....I hope this is clear if not I'm sure someone else will also answer....Welcome to cuties, a great place to be.....blessings Janet

1 comment
smallwunderz by smallwunderz 18 Oct 2010

thank you for your quick responses