As it is Qld health that sent you payment, maybe it is wages that they owe you... a nice windfall...It is such a daughter has been having trouble with them for months...
They still haven't been able to tell me what the payment is for because the system has been down all day. I don't think they owe me any wages but it could be nurses professional development money. I would hate to be working in payrole there, they would be getting abuse from everyone, and it is not the staffs fault. What does your daughter do? where does she work?
Now this crazy organisation has paid me a full fortnights pay and I haven't been at work for 18 months. I have to wait till business hours to work out what they have done. This will be fun.
Think I would wait and see on this one but NOT touch the money. How nice to be
That is the plan, It would be nice to be paid without working but there is always catch. So I will phone them when the pay office opens to find out what they are up to. I am not sure if people are aware but Queensland Health has had major problems with it's new pay system. Some folk have not been paid for months and others are being over paid. So who knows what is going on.
Try and make today a little better for yourself and have a great tomorrow. Arlene
That was the plan, but I woke up this morning to discover they have paid me money. that I am not supposed to be paid. Now I have to sort that out.
Oh Alice, sorry to hear you had an upsetting time. Hope you feel better! I don't like people enjoy making other people upset! Have a great day tomorrow, do something selfish!
thank you, the report is done. I will be glad when this nasty business is behind me and I don't have to deal with that evil organisation again.
Tomorrows plan: Count blessings, smile, do something nice for a stranger, feel good about self.
Oh, I am so sorry for you....I feel your pain as I have been there and had to go through it too, but just keep your head high, and you will come through smelling the roses before the last one blooms this fall. I really hate it when others do this to people, just remember they do this to have power over you or anyone they can control.......*4U
It certainly is frustrating, these people think that they can say what they like and get away with it. I have such a problem with dishonesty, it makes me so mad.
Must be a day for crying..did some of that too..hope you feel better and have a beautiful day!