by annatjievdw 22 Oct 2010

Prestige Concert tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to it a lot and always enjoy it. So nice to see people enjoy what you are doing. We have a very good program with beautiful music. My 2 children who live in Pretoria will be there as well. And some of my friends too. Wish you could be there. I am really looking forward to it a lot. This is my 3rd year in this choir and we are about 50-55 people in it. We are like a big family. Keep on sewing and may God be with each and everyone of you. Love and hugs. Annatjie


by lbrow 24 Oct 2010

How wonderful. Music has always been a significant part of my life as far back as I can remember. I think it's marvelous,you singing in the choirs. This brings so much joy not only to others but also to yourself. Music has the ability to calm our restless souls, to bring out emotions we don't even realize we have, especially beautiful music. I would love to hear your choirs sing Anna.

annatjievdw by annatjievdw 25 Oct 2010

Thanks. Yes I really do enjoy singing in the choirs.

annatjievdw by annatjievdw 25 Oct 2010

Thanks. Yes I really do enjoy singing in the choirs.

by kalinelson 23 Oct 2010

I know you will enjoy your concert....I love to sing but I fall in the category of "make a joyful noise"....praise and worship on Sunday is my favorite time to "try" to sing.....I love hearing that your keeping busy in your retirement years....what a blessing you all will be as others get to hear you sing.....Gods blessings Janet

by pennifold 23 Oct 2010

Dear Annatjie,

So glad to see you are enjoying the retirement village. I have sung all my life and besides talking it's what I love best!! Ha Ha He He!!!

My husband reckons I could talk under water!!!

"He who sings,prays twice."

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 25 Oct 2010

Chris, thanks a lot. I love the picture.

by shirlener88 23 Oct 2010

Annatjiie, so happy for you - maybe one of the children will bring a recorder and put it on YouTube and then you might be able to share it with us here - Hehehe! Enjoy yourself.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 23 Oct 2010

Thanks Shirlene. Unfortunately no record but my son took quite a lot of photos. All went well.

by keeponsewing 23 Oct 2010

Annatjie, Have fun singing. (which I know you will) It's great that your retirement center has a choir too. What a privilege to sing so that others can enjoy. I have sung in choirs all my life and directed a choir for a few years. (lots of work)...I wish you had a website with Live Stream so we could listen to it. Thanks for sharing this with us. It's fun to know a little about everyone here. Hugs, Terre

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annatjievdw by annatjievdw 23 Oct 2010

Unfortunately no choir at my retirement village. The 1 is a private choir and I sing in another retirement village's choir as well.

by castelyn 23 Oct 2010

Annatjie, I'm sure you are all going to have a wonderful evening. Hugs Yvonne

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annatjievdw by annatjievdw 23 Oct 2010

Thanks Yvonne. I enjoyed it a lot and everything went smoothly.

by gerryb 23 Oct 2010

So glad to see you are active in retirement! Sing on gal!

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annatjievdw by annatjievdw 23 Oct 2010

Oh I definitely plan to sing for many years to come.

by sewmom 23 Oct 2010

This sounds wonderful. Sing your heart out and let us know if someone posts your performance on Utube.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 23 Oct 2010

Thanks a lot. I really enjoy the choirs. I used to sing for the people at the frailcare where my husband was. Want to do that again next year.