by lindalee757 29 Oct 2010

Cassandra's Orchid Alphabet... did I miss the rest of the letters ? The last letter I have is M-it's a beautiful design, just wondering if there is more to come or maybe I just didn't see the rest


by capoodle 30 Oct 2010

Here is the letter she sent out about getting the rest of the Orchid Alphabet done. I copied and pasted it here for others to read that don't get the group newsletter.

Hello Everyone and Welcome to all our new members!

I don't like writing these messages, but I have too.

I have been getting emails and posts on when I am going to complete my Orchid Alphabet. Unfortunately, most are NOT polite requests.


"When are you going to finish these? I need the T."

"How come you haven't finished the alphabet? I've been waiting forever for them."

And there are many more just like this.

From the time I posted the 1st letter until now I have received exactly 24 Thank Yous. There are over 4600 members on this Yahoo group alone and the letters have been downloaded over 10,000 times.

So to say I've not been motivated to give away any more letters is an understatement!!!

And NO...I do not want you all to start saying Thank you now just because I had to remind you to as #1, if I have to remind you it doesn't count and #2 I don't have time to answer them all.

It seems the perception of Digitizers is that we just sit around eating bonbons while the money just rolls in.

Well I can tell you, that is DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE.

I wake up every day to over 400 emails (and no they are not orders) that I have to look at, answer, read if I can and delete if I don't need them. Then I have to send my 1 or 2 orders (if I'm lucky). I then look at all the artwork that I've purchased to decide what I want to digitize over the next few months. I usually work on a few projects or sets at a time so I don't get bored.

By now it's lunch time so I get a quick sandwich that I can eat while working. I start digitizing. Some designs can take an hour and some can take days. Especially if I'm doing my in-the-hoop designs. If I have any of them done I have to write instructions and try and get a tester for them. I keep digitizing until dinner time.

Once again a quick bite to eat and then back to the computer. I do any updates to my site, answer any more emails that I have. Do my advertising on all the Yahoo Groups (I have to keep track of them as each Yahoo Group has their own set of rules and I have to follow them to the letter or risk getting thrown off the group). I digitize more and then search the web for more artwork to see if there is anything unique that I think will spark interest and therefore sales.

At midnight I post my ads on the Daily News.

I work 10-12 hours a day, 7 days a week. I do this because I am the main bread winner of our household.

Yes, it is my choice to do this, but I work hard and now I have had to start doing web work again just to make ends meet.

So as to when the Orchid Alphabet will be finished. I don't know! Right now my priority is to take care of my family. I try to keep my prices down and I give away 2 free sets with every order but if all everyone wants is freebies I don't know what to do.


1 comment
dloves2sew by dloves2sew 13 Mar 2011

Cassandra, I am one of those who don't say "thank you" enough and I'm sorry. I get so busy in my days and forget to say those precious words. I guess I just take it for granted that people will assume I say thank you. Your designs are beautiful and I do appreciate them You do great work and I hope you will continue to do what you love. I don't have time to embroidery like I would like to so I know what you are going through. Again, thank you so very much and I'm sorry I haven't been telling you that. Have a blessed day.

by jofrog2000 30 Oct 2010

Cassandra has just gotten swamped by all she is doing-main breadwinner of the house through this medium-and time for the "extras" has disappeared for the time being. Also, she lost her sister this time of year, and is feeling that. It will be worth the wait, and I'm sure lots of us will keep track and post when she's got it going once again. She does leave them there for quite a while. Jo

by bikermomfl 30 Oct 2010

yes you can still go and get the ones that are posted. just follow the clues, have fun ........

by mranderson 29 Oct 2010

Linda, as far as I know it is only up to M so far. I am keeping an eye on it. Will post it if any more are added. Marg

1 comment
lindalee757 by lindalee757 29 Oct 2010

Ok- thanks Marg.

by dilceia 29 Oct 2010

What a pity... I lost this one!

1 comment
lindalee757 by lindalee757 29 Oct 2010

is it possible to still go back a get the ones up so far?