by queenofhearts 04 Nov 2010

I think that the color choices are terrible. If I try it again I will not use those colors. I'm glad that it was a freebie or I would be really disappointed.


by dlmds 13 Aug 2011

I have NEVER had any problems with designs from Emblibrary. As Meganne said...I always load the color sheets and change my colors that I want different from that color sheet. H&*

by mooie24 12 Aug 2011

Gosh I have never used a colour chart yet lol !!
I like to choose my own colours xx
My only gripe with embroidery library is that some of their designs are so dense..
Big hugs from London
Maria xx

by pcteddyb 05 Nov 2010

My machine and my software never translates to the right colors. I understand EL design in DST format (commercial) and then translate the design to all of the standards like PES, HUS, etc. The translate does not always put the right colors in (mostly it does not). I print the color chart then match my colors to it, not to the machine or software. I have used my Embird and gone through the PES design and changed the colors to the ones on the color chart and then it looks "right" in Embird (and closer in my machine but not exact). I have not had any trouble with the quality of the design from EL.

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 05 Nov 2010

I do exactly the same

by eyeztodiefor10 05 Nov 2010

I haven't stitched out their rose yet but I rarely have problems with their designs since I started floating a layer of tearaway under the hoop when stitching out their designs. They have a lot of dense designs and this help a lot in ensuring the design comes out correctly. I usually use my own colors but sometimes use the ones they do as they blend a lot of their colors. I'll pay attention when I stitch this one out.

by meganne 05 Nov 2010

For those having problems with Embroidery Library colours they DO offer help in the form of a TEXT colour chart, which shows the MADEIRA colours the digitiser chose to use when creating the design. YOU don't have to use those colours and your software and/or machine, will change those colours to those it finds in its DEFAULT colour palette.

Here are the instructions (for real beginners or those very inexperienced computer users) for printing the colour chart text file.
I hope I can make them clear enough for everyone to understand.

Firstly go to the design page in Embroidery Library
**** I do this by going to my order history, finding the correct order and selecting (double clicking on) the design.
It will open a page See link one below:
At the top of the photo, above the text, you will see THREE links: 1) Thread exchange; 2) Printable without images; 3) Printable with images....

Choose the one that says: 'Printable With Image' this will take you to LINK 2 below.

Step 3 Go to your browsers menu bar and open the drop-down list under "File", scroll down and select "Print" (see picture 1 below) Print it out and put it in a folder to use when you are choosing colours and stitching out the design. If you don't have the exact colours you can open the design again and choose THREAD EXCHANGE (Link 3) and find the nearest match from the Brand of colours listed.

When choosing colours, it is important to round up ALL your colours and see if you like the way they blend or contrast. If you don't, choose another colour!

************** End of Instructions ****************

For those more experienced computer users, if you would like more advanced instructions, Please let me know and I will write them up separately in Stage 2 and Stage 3.

I hope this helps. Hugs n roses, Meganne

queenofhearts by queenofhearts 05 Nov 2010

Meganne, If I had followed this thread chart I'm sure it would be much prettier. Thanks for the tip. Now I am anxious to try it again using these colors.

edithfarminer by edithfarminer 12 Aug 2011

Meganna did an excellent job there showing you the colours lol. Need to change with many designs. Good luck

by linda8450 04 Nov 2010

A friend in CA and myself (in AL) have both had many e-mails back and forth with Deb from Em Library. We both noticed a big change in the colors last spring, and it has gotten steadily worse. I have downloaded the free pumpkin from last month in one format and the pattern was all black and gold. Then I download a different format of the same pattern/design, and the pumpkin was purple and aqua. Deb's suggestion was download the color chart, as the designs are digitized and use Madera thread which I have changed my software to show. Nothing, nothing, nothing works. I do beleive they have a problem, and are not willing to take another look! It was not this bad before, has gotten much, much worse, and I don't want to print every color sheet for every design and keep it close by when there are 27 color changes! I paid good money for a great software program, and I have a Viking Diamond (top of the line) machine. I am VERY disapointed with the response, and I now am VERY selective of what I buy there. I don't have this color problem on any other site, not even freebies, and I can convert from any format. Thanks for letting me vent!

by cindyinmontana 04 Nov 2010

My comment repeats those who posted before me. I have to "adjust" or find an equivalent to the colors on the design page. My format ALWAYS changes the colors, sometimes to bizarre colors. Other than that, everything I have bought and stitched from Embroidery Library has been marvelous! Good luck! *s

by ramona 04 Nov 2010

Like jofrog2000 says, different formats have different colors and they don't always transfer to your format or software the same. Just use your best judgement and go for something you like. It was frustrating to me too. Especially when I first started embroidering.

by jofrog2000 04 Nov 2010

Different formats usually have a different thread color system. pes uses Brother, shv and vip and hus use Sulky. If your machine's colors don't translate the same, it gives a different color than the picture. I think EL uses Madeira. For their patterns, you need to save the color sheet and I do save a jpg of the design itself. I have a bunch of different threads and choose from them as I set up my colors in a row before sewing.

by camylow 04 Nov 2010

I noticed that my machine shows different colors than the picture shown...I have to go to the designs page and look at their color numbers and color names and make decisions based off that to be comp to what they used...otherwise I get a whole different palate...deanna

by kttyhwk4 04 Nov 2010

If the only part of the design you are unhappy with is the colors shy not change them to your liking. I did and loved the design.

by carolvm 04 Nov 2010

That's a shame. They usually have wonderful designs. Was the color selection the only problem? I often change colors to my liking especially adding more purple. I love purple too much. I hope it stitched out ok and will be beautiful once you change the colors to your liking since it is a really pretty design. Carol