Congrats!!!may your garden continue to grow and here's one more.
Jacqui, here is another *4U. How lucky you are to have the change of seasons, here in Queensland Australia we do not get the colors of fall..I miss that I am a kiwi where they do have changes in colors. I love the fall colors. Hugs Sally
Here is another flower from Texas. May the sun continue to shine on your garden and many more flowers continue to bloom.
And one from Australia. Where I live we do not have the pleasure of the beautiful colours of autumn. It is spring here heading for summer, Dec 1st.
Yes, it is great to see our gardens grow. Here is another for you. Judy
It's fun to have those sort of numbers - isn't it? Hehehe! Now here is another flower for your garden dear Jacquiline dear.
Another one for you We are getting snow today in MN. I love it
Congratulations on the new milestone! Your garden is as lovely as you are! Here's another.