I'm safe!!! My machine uses ART and her designs don't come in it. I will only download another format if I LOVE it and can easily redo the colors!
Oh boy, another place to add to my already oversized design collection! Thanks for sharing.
wish I had the money as they have a lot of really cute sets! Thank you for posting this.
Just had a look! Wanna buy them all! Thanks for the suggestion! *4U
BAD GIRL, Shame on you trying to make me spend money but I've already done my part there. Hubby is going to beat me.....can you tell I'm scared?
you seem terrified, but then some 'beatings' can be kinda fun. You know the ones done with feathers (ROTFL)
Bad girl! ;o)
Have to hold both hands on my pocketmoney *lol*
Greetings, Bettina