by seti 19 Nov 2010

I´m looking for an applique fox design.

Found some at emblib, but my son doesn`t like them. Txs:)


by spell 19 Nov 2010

Hallo Seti,
ich grüße dich, lange nix mehr von dir gehört. Habe leider keinen Fuchs für dich gefunden.

1 comment
seti by seti 19 Nov 2010

Hallo, ich war in Wiesbaden und hab gehofft, Dich dort zu sehen!Bin noch im Umzugschaos aber glücklich allein mit den Kids:) Meld Dich! Meine alte Nummer gilt noch! **Smile**

by shirlener88 19 Nov 2010

1. There is a fox at adorable applique - you might have your son look at it - to see if he likes it

2. Here is another
Seti, welcome to the CUTE family.

seti by seti 19 Nov 2010

Txs for the very very quick answer:)
That is not, what he wants, he just told me:) In the moment he is sitting right beside me, drawing his own fox.....:)

mops by mops 19 Nov 2010

Maybe you can scan it and post the picture?