I didn't remember or make not of it because my Bernina program does all of that for me.
I read the answers and downloaded TruSizer. Works nicely and give good results on the three design I tried out. Enlarged one (120%), downsized the others to 90 and 50% resp.). Results were very good. I'll recommend it to my daughter, who normally asks me to resize her files.
thanks, watch for her if you don't mind and help direct her here if she doesn't see it.
I should also have mentioned that "Wilcom TrueSizer" also allows you to change the embroidery format if needed. I know a lot of people do not download designs because they are not in the format their program accepts. "Wilcom TrueSizer" will allow you to change the design to the format your program uses. Since "Wilcom TrueSizer" is a FREE program--this is a GREAT DEAL!!
have wondered about this program. I have had look on the site but it says that your design is resized to an .EMB file. My machine only accepts PES. Does that mean it wont work with PES. I'm not very knowledgable about the workings of PED..it's still a big mystery. Jo
This is free shareware. WilcomTrueSizer, It works great and has a free tutorial.
She should try Wilcom TruSizer. If she goes to: http://www.sewinginusa.com/produc... she can download the program at the bottom of the page. She can also google "Wilcom TruSizer" for many sights that offer it free. Hope this helps.
I hope she sees this. I dropped a hint for her to come to this page from the design she wanted sized (a birdhouse)