Hi, Sanjoy, cute picture! I think you get a flower every time you sign in through the Cute Embroidery site, then go to the others. It seems like if you go directly to Alpahbets, etc. that maybe the flower doesn't register. Maybe. These flowers are still a little tricky. But Ruthie is right, just click on the orange flower to give somebody one, like I just did for you and ruthie both. Have a wonderful evening/day, whatever it is in Austrialia (you are in Aus., right? keeping track of people is tricky, too)!!
Hi Marji, Thank you for all your help, I was wanting to send you one earlier but I didn't know how and now I do and it has worked for Ruthie and now I will be sending you one too. Thanks a heap for my little lessions in life. Sandra from Australia good evening to you. lol
Sandra, you really are a 'joy'. It just boggles the mind sometimes, I'm almost 60, and I'm talking to friends all over the world. And we can actually help each other, over such vast distances. Wow. Just a little introspective this AM, here in USA, and it's night for you there. Just wow. OK, I guess that was a 'senior overwhelmed by tecnology moment'. lol Hugs to you all, my friends.
Marji, the world has definitely "shrunk" since the internet appeared, I love it. It means I have friends that I would never have met otherwise. DH and I often go outside at night to stargaze and we think about friends around the world, wondering who is awake, who is asleep. Sooo next time we do that I'll think especially of all you people - and Marji, I'll wish you "sweet dreams".
Yippee I got one today didn't get one for the last week but I now have one but I still dont know how I got it to do it again lol Thank you for the flower.
Thanks ruthie for explaining how to send a flower,I also was wondering how. Let me see if I can make this work here to you my friend a FLOWER.
Sanjoy, if your flowers have not increased and you have been signing-in to **Cute** on a daily basis, then I suggest that you email the site administrator, she will be able to help you. I’ve discovered that I only receive the flower when I sign into the Cute Embroidery site (I don’t get them for signing into the Redwork/Alphabet/Lace sites). You can give flowers to people in the Community (Q&A) and Projects parts of the site. To give a flower just click on the orange flower to the right of the person’s name, the flower will then turn grey, I’ve just sent you one. Hope this helps and that your flowers become a bouquet!
Thank you Ruthie now I know where the flower came from. So when you come to the page you click to go in and then sign in, I have done that, does the rember me have anything to do with it as it leaves me signed in for awhile.
Not sure whether the 'remember me' has anything to do with it, don't think so.
Thanks, I see now I had a senior moment there with the spelling. I will try and send you a flower for all your help. Thanks, you girls are a big part of why I love coming here everyday a couple of times a day. Thanks. Sandra from Australia
Sandra, I share your sentiments about this site, it's one of the friendliest sites I know of. Where else can you go online and be given flowers and hugs - so flowers and hugs to you.