by manami 24 Nov 2010

Dear Cute Family,

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all my Cute family. Thank you for being there for me.


by jrob Moderator 25 Nov 2010

I was so happy to see you, Yoriko. I hope that all is wonderful in your part of the world.;)

by lindaavolio 25 Nov 2010

Hi glad to see you posting again Dear One. I am keeping you in my prayers.
Have a wonderful day.


by quiltgrama 25 Nov 2010

Nice to see you. Hope you have an wonderful day as well. Hugs Lisa

by nanniesara 25 Nov 2010

Hope you have had a great Thanksgiving also. I did we had all the kids and lots of food. I sent all I could home with them cause I know hubby and I couldn't eat it. Hope things are good for you and stay that way. Sara

by turtleowl 25 Nov 2010

Thank you, Yoriko. Hope you are feeling the cheerfulness of the new flower designs you have made. Good to see you here. Hugs, TurtleOwl

by marietta 25 Nov 2010

Hello Yoriko, it is so nice to see a posting from you again. I hope everything is going well for you.
Warm hugs, and Gods blessings.

by honeychyle 25 Nov 2010

How great it is to hear from you! Have a Happy Thanksgiving and stay in touch with us!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Honeychyle, thank you so much!

by fannyfurkin 25 Nov 2010

Hello Yoriko, nice to finally meet you. I hope you are feeling better. I believe you are living on the Gold Coast, I about 50 minutes north of you in Victoria Point.

bevintex by bevintex 25 Nov 2010

Would'nt it be great if you and she could meet up. Yoriko is a wonderful lady and we all love her here at cute.

manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Alice, thank you so much! Yes, I live between Coolangata and Tweed Heads, and would be lovely if we get a chance to meet each other.

by gerryvb 25 Nov 2010

love, hugs to you too.great to see you here :)

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Gerry, thank you so much!

by dlonnahawkins 24 Nov 2010

Thank you Yoriko, and it is good to see you here. Blessings to you.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Beth, thank you so much!

by greysewist Moderator 24 Nov 2010

Thankyou Yoriko, and great to see you 'step in' to Cute. May you also find lots to be thankful for, now and always.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Greysewist, thank you so much!

by nonna57 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, Lovely to see you. Cyber Hugs x x

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Pauline, thank you so much!

by lbrow 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, I wish for you a very Happy Thanksgiving, it's your holiday since you are now a US citizen. Just one of your blessings/ love you, Lillian

lbrow by lbrow 25 Nov 2010

oooooh Sorry, must have been all the wine in the fruitcakes I made(the fumes that is) Hic!! Yoriko has Australian Citizenship so I flubbed really, really big, Sorry Yoriko, love you/Lillian

manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

You made me smile :)
Lillian, thank you so much!

by noah 24 Nov 2010

Well welcome i wish you & yours a lovely Thanks giving & may the rest of this year be kind to you in every way & show you blessing after blessing :):)Carolyn

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Carolyn, thank you so much!

by gerryb 24 Nov 2010

Surely glad to see you post a message!! Hope you have a good weekend! Love to one cutie from another.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Gerry, thank you so much!

by leenova54 24 Nov 2010

Thank you, you have a great day too. Hope you are feeling better. It is nice to see you on here now and then. Please take care Yoriko, the family loves you!

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Leenova, thank you so much!

by wendymay60 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, good to see you were here. All the best for you.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Wendy, thank you so much!

by gramsbear 24 Nov 2010

So good to hear from you! Happy Thanksgiving and Prayers are going out for you and yours. Hugs, Judy

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Judy, thank you so much!

by theduchess 24 Nov 2010

Happy Thanksgiving You are in my prayers.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Theduchess, thank you so much!

by rwalden 24 Nov 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to you also. I continue to pray you. God Bless you. Reva

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Reva, thank you so much!

by sorval 24 Nov 2010

hello Yoriko
great to see you here again
Happy thanksgiving to you
hugs Sonja

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Sonja, thank you so much!

by dilceia 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, How wonderful to see you here. The hope you have a very sanctified day. We feel its fault here.
A hug with love

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Dilceia, muito obrigada amiga.

by nglover1 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, it is so good to see your post. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving . Nancy

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Nancy, thank you so much!

by moyed 24 Nov 2010

It is lovely to hear from you, have a lovely day.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Helen, thank you so much!

by giddygoat 24 Nov 2010

Dear Yoriko, Great to see you're feeling well enough to post again. Do hope you're gaining strenght every day & Happy Thanksgiving to you.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Viv, thank you so much!

by babsie 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, how lovely to hear from you. Hope you are well and Happy Thanksgiving.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Babsie, thank you so much!

by marciabrasil 24 Nov 2010

Oi Yoriko!
Muito obrigada!
Happy Thanksgiving Day for you to.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Marcia, muito obrigada!

by designgirl 24 Nov 2010

Dear Yoriko, lovely to see you posting again. Take care. Hugs Lynn

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Lynn, thank you so much!

by keeponsewing 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, How wonderful to see you here. Hope you have a very blessed day. We have much to be thankful for.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Keepponsewing, thank you so much!

by jasanne 24 Nov 2010

Blessings to you Yoriko - I think of you often. I hope all is continuing to improve for you.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Lianne, thank you so much!

by pennifold 24 Nov 2010

Hello dear Yoriko, glad to see your post on here this morning.

Glorious day here in Newcastle and I see Queensland is having a lovely day too.

You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Love and blessings Chris

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Chris, thank you so much!

by crafter2243 Moderator 24 Nov 2010

What a pleasant surprise to see your post. I have missed you here and hopefully you will peek in more often in the future. You have a wonderful day as well. Hugs Angie

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Angie, thank you so much!

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko how lovely to hear from you. Think about you a lot and send positive thoughts your way. Sayonara, Caroline

manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Caroline-san, thank you so much!

asterixsew by asterixsew 25 Nov 2010

Arigato Yoriko

by emily16838 24 Nov 2010

Happy Turkey Day to you too!

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Emily, thank you so much!

by kttyhwk4 24 Nov 2010

Thank you Yoriko. Hope you're feeling better, great to see your post.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Karen, thank you so much!

by holly12 24 Nov 2010

Dear Yoriko, Happy Thanksgiving. So glad to see your post here on Cuties. Hope you are feeling better & we can hear from you a little more. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Arlene

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Arlene, Thank you so much!

by uscmom 24 Nov 2010

Thank you so much, we all have so much to be thankful for!! So nice to hear from you, hope you're feeling better.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Uscmom, thank you so much.

by grandmamek 24 Nov 2010

Dear Yoriko, We miss you. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I hope you are starting to feel better. Hugs, Mary

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Mary, thank you so much.

by beatie58 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, Happy to see you are feeling a little better think of you always. Hugs Sally

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Sally, thank you so much.

by sewmom 24 Nov 2010

So good to see you Yoriko. I think about you everyday and hope you are doing better.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Sewmom, thank you so much. It's good being here, and feel the love of my family.

by bevintex 24 Nov 2010

Yoriko, so good to see your post. Happy Thanksgiving to you also. i hope you are doing well. You are missed.

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manami by manami 25 Nov 2010

Bev, thank you. How I miss my cute family too.