by oldtimer992005 25 Nov 2010

not a sleeper.usually i am up till 2 a.m or 3 a.m. i have a little doggie so i first have to take him outside to do his thing. then he has to have his doggie cookie. his fresh drink of water and then i put him to bed.he is a very smart dog and has to be fed with a spoon. just love him to i can spend my time with all of you. love reading everything. thank you once again.


by asterixsew Moderator 26 Nov 2010

Oh another Cute with an addiction to the site. Happy reading, there is less time now for the sewing but usually another Cutie or two for company.

by shirlener88 26 Nov 2010

Stella, we are so pleased that you get to share your AWAKE time with us - some of us - do that same sort of thing - each night, too. We just a different routine - to get us ready - to sit down and chat with the CUTE family and check the project section and hand out flowers. So you are very welcome and we are thrilled you finally made it here to be with us. *4U

by claudenicolas 26 Nov 2010

Welcome oldtimer,ATTENTION!!! I must explain to you that this site is very addictive
Enjoy to be here with us
Hugs from France Claude

by airyfairy 26 Nov 2010

Welcome Oldtimer. You will love this site. I also have a small dog - a pekinese called Mushu. He and I are in bed at about 10.00. My name is Sarah. I live in Knysna South Africa.

by pennifold 26 Nov 2010

Hi, I don't think I have welcomed you to this wonderful group.

I am Chris from Newcastle, Australia. It's 8.50pm Friday evening here and very hot! I have my fan on as I'm typing.

I think your dog is very smart too - what sort of dog is he. I have a beautiful Sheltie (miniature Collie) Shetland Sheepdog. Her name is Bella and of course that means beautiful!

I go to bed at 11.30 each night and am an early riser get up at 6.30.

You have come to the best site in the embroidery world everyone on here has gifts to offer. There is always a kind word offered, joys and sorrows shared and all are amazing embroiderers.

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 26 Nov 2010

It is hot here too Chris, I have the fan on too.

by fannyfurkin 26 Nov 2010

Bev is right there is always a cute to talk to. another *4U. I wish I could give 2 I would give one for your doggie.

by 02kar Moderator 26 Nov 2010

Welcome. I am often here in the wee hours because I can't sleep.

by bevintex 25 Nov 2010

there is always a cutie here no matter what time of the night or day. Just jump in to chat, ask questions or even tell a joke or two.