Thanks Alice. I am teaching myself to use digitize so all I have to do is work out how to translate those settings into embird. The only problem I can see is that I do not have a running stitch as a single motif, or can someone tell me different? Suet
You don't need a running stitch as a single motif if you have a weave fill.Use the weave fill, 2mm (.08") apart and stitch 4 layers at 0,45,90 and 135 degrees. The 4 layers will give you a nice firm base, but it will still be lacy.
I would like to suggest when making FSL and putting lettering and a design on it, that you use 4 layers of a base stitch (weave fill),at 0,45,90 and 135 degrees (no underlay and travel on edge). This gives a firmer base. Still have the stitches 2mm apart and stitch length 4.20mm. It might also be a good idea to stabilise the satin stitch outline,3mm wide, with 2 rows of zig zag underlay, and the same for the loop.
To see some of my FSL designs done this way, I will include the link.
Thanks Ricky, I that is really helpful info, I do only use generations which works just fine with the way my video presents it. I have absolutely no idea about other software. I did the texas design in gen and test stitched it and it is perfect, but I am very aware that I have my software and my multineedle machine so not everyone will get the same result. I am not really sure I understand your instructions, perhaps you could make a video using your software to show us what you mean.
Thank you Ricky for your input as well, it is always great to get 2 point of views. Perhaps Alice get such great results with fewer stitches because she has a multi needle machine. Hopefully between these 2 wonderful digitizers and their generous contributions we can all do FSL one day....Thank You Alice for the awesome video and thank you Ricky for the extra instructions....Vicki